window positioning bug

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window positioning bug

Post by mrc01 »

This pertains to Textpad 5.0.2.

All earlier versions of Textpad remembered their window positions even when multiple instances were running at the same time.

In version 5.0.2, only the first instance of Textpad remembers the window position. When more instances of Textpad are run they come up in some different default or random window position.

This happens on Win 2k and on XP. Is there some reg tweak I can do to make it work the old way? Or will it require a new version of Textpad?
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Window position not persistent for multiple instances

Post by ulogic »

The same problem still exists in 5.0.3. Using SysInternal's RegMon with a filter on "Placement" to monitor access to
HKCU\Software\Helios\Textpad 5\Window Placement
the first instance queries the value "MainFrame" but the subsequent instances do not. However, each instance does write back to that value upon exit.

With the way I use TextPad, I am still using 4.7.3 because this this single issue is keeping me from upgrading. It appears that I am not alone in this point of view.
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window positioning bug

Post by TMarshall »

I agree. It is a pain to resize the window every time I open a new instance. This is too simple (and inexpensive) to fix for it to remain in so many versions. IF there is ever another version of TextPad, this annoyance should be addressed.
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