Tool output and search window as normal text windows

Ideas for new features

Moderators: AmigoJack, bbadmin, helios, Bob Hansen, MudGuard

Should it possible to use the output windows like a normal text windows?

Yes, I liked the way it was in v4.x
No, v5 behavior is ok
I have no preference.
Total votes: 49

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Tool output and search window as normal text windows

Post by Tahsmo »

With v5 the windows are only dockable to one of the sides. In Textpad v4.x they behave like normal text windows. This worked better because they can use the full client area for output.

Is it possible to dock the tool and search windows as normal text windows so that they get own tabs?
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Post by mem8080 »

Yes to this enhancement!

It was so much better en v4., at least for me.

How about a checkbox in preferences? ("Search results in a new tab", or something like that...)

Jens Hollmann
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Post by Jens Hollmann »

Definitely Yes to that "enhancement" (That is having the 4.7 behavior as an addition back).

I don't know about everyone else but my screen is always too small no matter what resolution I have. So I want the maximum number of lines for viewing my text and no docked output window reducing that area.

In addition I want the output window as big as possible when looking for a certain match in the find results.

So I consider having any output window (search result and tool-output) as a normal document window the best solution. Switching back and forth with Ctrl-Tab is handy too.

I'd like to poll for this but can't see how I could. No buttons or something anywhere. Not working in Firefox? Well just add 1 to the "Yes"-polls.
Jens Hollmann
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Post by Jens Hollmann »

Suddenly the poll was activated for me. Maybe some confusion whether I was really logged in or not. Who cares.
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4.7 Textpad Search was the greatest functionality of Textpad

Post by vijay.bvk »

We have complex formatted text files which is very easily handled by Textpad with Search Results being an ultimate functionality to grep our files to analyse the traces logged by our product
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With Windowed Search, the usage of textpad is decreasing. We are tilting to use 4.7 and not utilize the functionality of TextPad 5 because of the windowed search not helping us at all.
Please give this as a preference to have the Search window as we like or please give us 4.7 search result functionality for us.

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Post by daveokeeffe »

I would also love to have this functionality back, and possibly with an extra feature:

In 4.7 all search results went to the same 'Search Results' document. It'd be fantastic if we could tick a checkbox on the search box and have the results directed to a new Search Results document.
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Post by aimy »


Totally agree!!!

Post by bveldkamp »

I don't mind either way, but when double clicking on a line in the output window, the corresponding document should at least be focused, so you can start typing immediately.
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Post by jhertel »

I also reaaaaallyy miss the old behaviour - it was so much more functional. And I could maximize one editor window without losing the search - now I have to close the Find results pane, thereby losing the search! There are so many reasons why the old behaviour with Search results and Tool output in special windows was much better than the new one...
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Post by MudGuard »

jhertel wrote: And I could maximize one editor window without losing the search - now I have to close the Find results pane, thereby losing the search!
Have you tried clicking on the pin symbol next to the closing x of the search pane?
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Post by jhertel »

MudGuard wrote:Have you tried clicking on the pin symbol next to the closing x of the search pane?
Nope! :D Now I have! Cool! So now I don't need to lose my search results - that's good! Thanks for the tip! :D

Still though, I would really like the old behaviour back :) - at least as an option. I think it was so simple and intuitive that all windows behaved (almost) the same way...
Last edited by jhertel on Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ivaneck »

Normal text windows was great. Why change it?

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Post by voracity »

I'd like both. When I first did a search, I double-clicked the search pane header expecting it to switch back to a normal document. Instead, it popped up in its own window, which I find very messy.
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I hate the dockable search results

Post by 091637 »

I registered just to say as much.

We are in the middle of evaluating Textpad around here at work and we started with one of the 4.x versions and was about to buy several licenses then found out that 5.x changed the search results.

A few of us didn't care but to many of us found the ability to switch between search results and code file for editing with a quick ctrl-tab to handy.
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auto-hiding: only via mouse??

Post by komka_peter_3x »

auto-hiding: exclusively via mouse??

(switching between the search results and any document. no keyboard command for it?)
and I have to (via mouse!!) click and click every and every search result 'to auto-hide'? no permanent setting for it? why?
why looses its content (and the 'auto-hide' setting) the search pane when I show/hide it? (with Shift-F11)

e.g. for the document selector, F11 is always available. toggles on/off the document selector pane (without loosing the contents - of course).
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