Relative path names in textpad workspace

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Relative path names in textpad workspace

Post by dmoeller »

I would like to know how to get the textpad workspace file to contain relative path names to files instead of full paths. This would allow the renaming of directories containing files and workspaces and be able to maintain their relationship.
Example: Currently if I have the dir c:\XXX containing files a.txt, b.txt, and XXX.tws (which contains a.txt and b.txt) and I rename the dir to c:\YYY, XXX.tws will still point to c:\XXX\a.txt and c:\XXX\b.txt. When the .tws is opened the files will not be found. If a relative path is used then the files would be found.
Any ideas?
I'll also take a mechanism to manually alter the .tws if one is available.

Dave Moeller
Jens Hollmann
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:33 am

Post by Jens Hollmann »

The workspace does save its files with relative paths! But relative to the position of the workspace-file itself.

So when you put the workspace file in the dir C:\XXX, it contains the files a.txt and b.txt and when you rename XXX to YYY everything should work just fine. At least it does for me. I always copy my workspace files from one dir (version1) to another one (version2) and that works as expected.
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