auto Spell Check

Ideas for new features

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auto Spell Check

Post by lashicd »

It would be nice if as I was typing all the misspelled words would automaticly highlight themselves. I am afraid that this is the only reason that I use MSWord is for the spell checking.

I have tried to make a text.syn file that has C=1 and then a list of words I know are spelled right as the keywords. Then I made all the "normal" words red and anything in my dictionary black. This works most of the time but there are a few funny things that happen all words in front of a period '.' are Red.
Anyway this is just my thought.
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Post by CyberSlug »

I've created such a "dictionary syntax file" as you describe in addition to a tool that lets you easily add words to it!

This is a beta version: Please post feeback so I can fix it up and submit and official Add-On. :-)
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Post by fuzzy »

It would be nice if as I was typing all the misspelled words would automaticly highlight themselves. I am afraid that this is the only reason that I use MSWord is for the spell checking.
It's been 4+ years so I thought I'd give this a bump... this is pretty much a killer feature for me, I've now become so used to auto-checking of my typing from apps like Word, Firefox, ..., that I really miss it in Textpad. I've actually (and apologies for this heresy) occasionally looked around for something to replace Textpad because of this, but even if other editors do have live spellcheck they're otherwise nowhere near as nice as Textpad. It'd be really nice to have as-you-type live spellcheck available in Textpad.
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Post by Morley »

WELL IT IS TWO MORE YEARS GONE BY... (makes you wonder if they read this stuff) AND over ten years since I initially suggested it. Time to bump this again.

A spell checker similar to Mozilla Thunderbird should not be difficult to include in TextPad. Especially when one considers that Thunderbird is OPEN SOURCE. Open Office is another OPEN SOURCE word processor that has a similar spell checker. Just go get it and incorporate it. For me this would make TextPad PERFECT as opposed to ALMOST perfect. :P
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Post by fuzzy »

Morley wrote:A spell checker similar to Mozilla Thunderbird should not be difficult to include in TextPad. Especially when one considers that Thunderbird is OPEN SOURCE. Open Office is another OPEN SOURCE word processor that has a similar spell checker. Just go get it and incorporate it. For me this would make TextPad PERFECT as opposed to ALMOST perfect. :P
Agreed. I've been a TextPad user since the Win16 days, and the one thing I'd really like is live spellcheck. Sometimes I switch to Firefox just to paste TextPad text in to get the live spellcheck, which is a pretty awkward way of doing things.
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Post by fuzzy »

I've just done some more checking, turns out that OO and Thunderbird/Firefox (and several other apps, including several text editors) all use the free Hunspell spell-checker library. So the tools are already freely available, it'd just be a case of integrating them into TextPad.
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