Opening the results window in a separate (modeless) window

Ideas for new features

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Opening the results window in a separate (modeless) window

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Opening the results window in a separate (modeless) window

Post by david_k13 »

Hi all ...

I think a lot of developpers will like this idea:

The window that opens up as the result of an execution of a tool (e.g. a batch file running DIR) should be made a separate (and modelss) window so that users can leave it unattended on a separate monitor and not have to switch back and forth from this window to the window containing their file (or program) every time they execute a tool.

With this enhacement, for example, I could be typing my source code, hiting ctrl-something to compile, and see the results in another window without having to switch out of my code.
Fabio Nunes
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Aug 30, 2003 8:11 pm

A more interesting solution?

Post by Fabio Nunes »

What about the search result being showed on a floating object, like the "Selector" or "Clip Library"? This way, you don't get your space cluttered with windows...

Actually, even the Search window could be displayed that way, like "UltraEdit" already do.
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