Global Enhancement List

Ideas for new features

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Global Enhancement List

Post by apartment223 »

Formatted source =

7:03 AM 3/25/2003

- Integration of HTML preview by switching tabs and/or (optionally) real-time
preview with horizontally tiled windows.
- Real Project manager reflecting existing directories, reference files (tws) always saved
in same textpad directory, so that reopening old project doesn't involve "search my computer
for *.tsw".

10:36 PM 1/12/2003

- Addition to File Menu of 'Save Copy of Current Document as ...'

- Possibility to turn off the default 'Copy as HTML' through Options.

- Possibility from Edit Menu to 'Mark All Clean', applying to all opened documents.

- Possibility for user custom menus, see CSE's inserters.


12:39 AM 1/2/2003

- Possibility for TextPad to 'remember' the size of the Open Dialog, so that it could -as I
would like- always show the maximum number of files if it has the same size as the screen.

- Integration of favorite paths to the open/save dialog.

- Allow to map to keyboard the horizontal scrolling (eg: Alt+Left Arrow = scroll left ...).

- Allow more macros to be mapped to keyboard !


10:55 PM 12/28/2002

- Possibility to set a syntax file for files without extension (default); Often,
when View-Source is called from Internet Explorer, and TextPad has been set
as NotePad replacement, the files do not have extension. It would be nice to
see HTML Syntax highlighting in this case.

- Option not to show document tab when only one document is opened.


1:12 PM 12/5/2002

- Possibility to highlight current line.

- No synchronization of horizontal scrolling when document is split.

- File > Delete current file.

- When opening from web, automatically append index.html to URL ending with '/'

- When TextPad is running, possibility -options- to open new files as additional tabs,
rather than running a new instance of textpad.
Example: File>Edit from Internet Explorer, or context menu from files 'Edit with TextPad'.

- Add *.hta to list of program extensions.

- Possibility to navigate through computer when renaming a file; getting a saveAs dialog box.
Else, possibility for Ctrl+left/right arrow to navigate between slashes of path.


7:34 AM 11/3/2002

- Document outline: listing of functions for javascript, listing of selectors for
CSS, hierarchical HTML doc outline ... (a la MS Script Editor)
I understand that TextPad isn't an HTML editor specifically, but the feature could be
extended to various languages ( java methods, vbs routines, etc.); possibly configurable
through syntax def. files ...

- Support in search for Perl5/JavaScript regular expressions.

- Embedded syntax highlighting in HTML documents: CSS Syntax in <style> tags,
JS Syntax in <script> tags, etc.

- FTP Capabilities: possibility to save as FTP with predefined number of

- Incremental search, ideally without window (ie: turn it 'on', and start typing)

- window-less search: next to the File, Edit ... , Help menu headers, at the same level
( so that it does not take vertical space on its own ), a text editable box in addition
to the standard search box, accessible with keyboard.

- Optionally: context menu moves the cursor at the down-clicking position
(except when right-clicking on a selection)

- Project manager which allows drag and drop of files/file-paths.
JBuilder 4 approach (with File>Add new file, etc.)

- Favorite files menu: when accessed, favorite files are not added to the recent files list,
(which then then becomes sort of a second favorite list on its own).
You always open x and y files for reference, but generally work with a limited number of
files at a time; Alt+1 through Alt+Z gives possibly 36 favorite files, which would be great.

- Tabs: icons optionally off (enlarge unnecessarily the width of each tab);
when showing icons, having them reflect the OS's dedicated icon for that type of file
would be nice: *.js file will show the Icon the OS shows for *.js files, e.g.

- Tabs: optionally limit their width to x characters; even when not showing the files
path, some files name can be rather long ...

- Optional line-hilighting of bookmarks (vs. / in addition to the arrow on the left).

- Full screen mode(2): Alt+F doesn't call File menu, Alt+E the Edit menu, etc.

- Why doesn't the window menu expand for more than 10 files, and forces me instead to
use the document selector ?
Extending in the menu, using an arrow if necessary, would be nicer.


7:22 PM 9/20/2002

- Possibility to record more than 64 (65) named macros, or

- code-completion (with user-configurable trigger-keys), or

- glossary, ie (eg): 'bc' has been defined as 'background-color', so that
when the appropriate key / command is pressed, the abbreviation is changed
into it's corresponding text, as defined in the 'glossary'.


1:34 PM 9/18/2002

- line-spacing, for clarity;

- Full screen mode: drop down menus and doc tabs would be welcome;
currently, no way (?) to access non key-mapped commands.

- When a NEW document is opened, just for temporary operations,
and then cleared of any content, I don't want the save? dialog to pop-up.

- In all menus whose height requires top and bottom arrow, not have to actually
hold the mouse down for the menu to scroll, but simply put mouse cursor over it:
CF: Internet Explorer's favorites menu.

- SaveAll should call the saveAs dialog when the collection of opened documents
contains (altered) unsaved documents.
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Post by jeffy »

This is sort of overwhelming. You've obviously put a lot of work into it. Could you perhaps explain the background or something that would give us a better context in which to understand these things?

Thanks. :' )
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