Windows context menu change

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Windows context menu change

Post by GarroteYou »

If you bring up the windows context menu (Right click) on a TextPad editable file the accelerator key for TextPad is T, but this is shared with cut. One can edit shellext.dll in the TextPad install folder with a hex editor to change &TextPad to &ZextPad, or any other letter.

First, find where the accelerator is implemented. In the registry key:


there should be a subkey with a value of possibly : {2F25CF20-C569-11D1-B94C-00608CB45480}

The value may vary. Next look to the key :

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{2F25CF20-C569-11D1-B94C-00608CB45480} ( Same value as above )

The next subkey InProcServer32 should have two values: (Default)=C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\System\shellext.dll and ThreadingModel=Apartment.

That file is one taking care of which Letter has the mnemonic.

Open shellext.dll file with a hex editor and search for &TextPad

Change the T to a Z or any other letter. keep in mind that binary code (DLLs and executables) depend on alignment so you can only replace it with a string of identical or less length (with proper nulls).

Save the .dll file as shellext2.dll in the same folder.

Change the Default subkey to : (Default)=C:\Program Files\TextPad 4\System\shellext2.dll

And reboot the system

Problem solved.
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Post by MudGuard »

you could also just shift the & to a different position, e.g.
Te&xtpad or Text&pad
as the & indicates that the following letter is the keyboard shortcut.
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