In Universe Basic syntax, there are three characters which define strings: Single Quote, Double Quote and Backslash. I would like to see:
My [Syntax] section is below, but no combination of character assignments seems to work. Does Textpad have a hard limit of two string definitions?
Thanks for any help...
Namespace1 = 6
IgnoreCase = Yes
BracketChars = ()[]{}<>
OperatorChars = =#+-*/><
PreprocStart =
SyntaxStart =
SyntaxEnd =
CommentStart =
CommentEnd =
CommentStartAlt =
CommentEndAlt =
SingleComment =*
SingleCommentCol =
SingleCommentAlt =!
SingleCommentColAlt =
StringStart = "
StringEnd = "
StringAlt ='
StringEsc =
CharStart =\
CharEnd =\
CharEsc =
Three string types
Moderators: AmigoJack, bbadmin, helios, Bob Hansen, MudGuard