Automated Poll Question Generator

Ideas for new features

Moderators: AmigoJack, bbadmin, helios, Bob Hansen, MudGuard

Would You Like A Personal Copy?

Important, even if the size/efficiency of TextPad increases/degrades
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NO WAY!...Never to be considered....I love tipin...typpping.....YES!
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Post by webmasta »

Have you tried Version 1.b which I sent yesterday?
Would appreciate your comments on the new front end.
Yes I did,, I think u missed the reply on that ,, back up about 3-4 posts.


Ahhh .. is on the previous page, just after mike's... just saw that when i refreshed.
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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Thanks webmasta, I did miss your earlier post on Version 1.b

Glad you like the newer front end.

May have another version available tonight to try with MSIE 5.x, but just guessing without a real copy here. It looks like there is only ONE extra Tab between yours and other feedbacks so far.
Do you have any other toolbars open on MSIE besides Shortcut Buttons and Address Bars?
Do you have any other Explorer Bar side bar windows open when running this?

I made attempts to support other similar forums. I looked at three other forums that use the same software, but their layouts are too different to cope with at this time. Will stay focused on TextPad for now. Real easy to get sidetracked. :D

Thanks again for testing this out.
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Post by webmasta »

toolbar screenshot here (click dammit)
Do you have any other Explorer Bar side bar windows open when running this?
Nope.. prefer all my screen to myself seeing that my main monitor is 800x600 -- 15 years on the comp didnt help my eyes..

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Post by Bob Hansen »

I had offered a copy of the Macro Scheduler source script to one of the testers who is learning Macro Scheduler. He was surprised it would be available because he thought I was making this for money. I copied my reply to him from the Macro Scheduler forum:

A copy of the source Macro Scheduler scripts will on its way by noon tomorrow.

You thought perhaps:
doing this for money
:idea: Hmmmm. shoulda thought of that....oh well...........

This was always intended to be a freebie.

I guess I could do it for money, but I thought I would be giving something back to the forum users in return for what I have received from them.

I haven't checked many of the Add-Ons for TextPad, but I kind of thought that they might be freebies. Isn't that the purpose of users share knowledge and scar tissue?

I guess this should be cross posted in TextPad also......I will take care of that.......

Thanks for the chuckle :D
Last edited by Bob Hansen on Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Thanks for the snapshot webmasta.

I did click (I'm a fast learner) and do not see anything extra. :cry:
That is bad news. That is not what I wanted to see.

More work for me....... :cry: :cry:
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Post by MudGuard »

Bob, will your tool work with a real browser (Mozilla 1.4) at all or does it work only with IE?
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Probably only on MSIE, but I don't know. I had asked you to send me an email so I could provide you a copy. Then you could try it out yourself. It really doesn't use any logic based on browser yet.

The only glitch I have been having with versions is that I am TABing through the screen, and some configurations have different tools that affect the tab count.

Send me your email address and I will get you on the next distribution and you can answer that for all of us.
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Making more progress. I have just sent a new beta version (1.c) to a group of testers. Original MAcro Scheduler source code was also provided for them at this time.

The following changes were implemented.
//Version 1.c changes
//1. Added controls to prevent less than five options, prevents errors if option is left blank..
//2. Made fields wider to see full long option descriptions.
//3. Changed User Instructions from Edit Box to a Read Only label. Made easier to read.
//4. Added controls to move to correct position with MSIE 5.x.
//5. Provided input to use input for other forums with different page names. Problems with other forums have different layouts.
//6. Changed CANCEL,Old Browser messages to Dialog Boxes
//7. Reduced lines of code with sub routines.
//8. Provided a drop down list for other Forums......cannot use results yet, Future work to be done.
I hope that I have resolved issues with MSIE 5.x but won't know till tested on those systems. Next big step is to solve the issues of extra unknown ToolBars.

Also, I may have seen an issue associated with Video Display that might be a clue about the dual monitor systems problem that was reported. I got a BSOD when a message box was coming up.

This may soon be available for distribution to use with MSIE 6.x

Still picking away at this. Stay tuned for feedback and updates.
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Post by webmasta »

I hope that I have resolved issues with MSIE 5.x
Sorry.. Same issues persist.

Tried it with different combinations closing toolbars etc...

One showstopper I found was, If F11 was pressed to do a full screen browser before running the creator, freezes, runtime errors, ctrl+alt+delete came to my rescue.

In fullscreen mode, theres no address bar, may have something to do with it.

Like a stubborn German, ure butting ure head on IE5x, which will damage ure head, because it follows the tabindex in the html, which IE6 doesnt follow, it seems. (I can see it here how it focuses the preview button, then the submit button insted of the poll question, thereby missing it altogether)

If youre up to it:
Provide me a creator that doesnt check for the url, one that will execute on the current window.

I will grab the poll page and modify the html tabindex part accordingly. Have it so that it runs from when the poll page is loaded with the option boxes already created without having to press the update button (which is done by the script on TP servers, I would be testing locally).

Thats the only way you can know if you can solve the tabbing for IE5x or if you will end up creating an imperfect tool to work on imperfect html which could very well change when phbbb upgrades..

I tried messing with ure script but lack the knowledge to make the proper changes.. got some errors after importing the modified script into MS and running it. :lol: (%start window% not present) I like the program so It will provide me with a starting point to dive into MS.

Also.. in the dropdown to choose the browser version, reverse it to read from 6.2 down to IE5 so we dont have to always choose.

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Post by Bob Hansen »

Sorry.. Same issues persist.
Tried it with different combinations closing toolbars etc...
Arrgh.....grrrr.....not what I wanted to hear. Can you provide another picture or explanation?
One showstopper I found was, If F11 was pressed to do a full screen browser before running the creator, freezes, runtime errors,
I will have to try that out. The routine gives a command to maximize the screen. May be a conflict if already maximized.
ctrl+alt+delete came to my rescue.
Also check for flashing Macro Scheduler icon (yellow gear) in task bar. Right click and click on BREAK. Or try SHIFT-ESC to halt it.
In fullscreen mode, theres no address bar, may have something to do with it.
That is probably the MSIE 5.x issue. But it may also be a function of selected ToolBars, probably a combination.
Like a stubborn German
How could you tell? My great grandparents were from Germany :D There must be something to that stereotype.
ure butting ure head on IE5x, which will damage ure head, because it follows the tabindex in the html, which IE6 doesnt follow, it seems. (I can see it here how it focuses the preview button, then the submit button insted of the poll question, thereby missing it altogether)
I believe that most of the tabbing is done in the HTML, not in the Browser. My problem is that I need to do some SH-Tabs which bring me from the Web page into the Browser and back into the Web Page. It is the numbe of TABs in the browser that is setting me off.
Provide me a creator that doesnt check for the url, one that will execute on the current window.

This does not actually use the URL. It goes to the Window Name.
I will grab the poll page and modify the html tabindex part accordingly. Have it so that it runs from when the poll page is loaded with the option boxes already created without having to press the update button (which is done by the script on TP servers, I would be testing locally).
I am confused....are you saying you can grap the URL page, modify it to include the selected Options, and reload it, or present a temporary copy before hitting the Submit? If Yes, then we may have a solution. Would like to know more. Where do you think I need to pause and load your script?
got some errors after importing the modified script into MS and running it. (%start window% not present)
Curious, because %StartWindows% is set as a variable at the beginning of the script on Line 37. Using TextPad as editor, total lines for script is 344 for the Version 1.c that I sent to you. (I also have submitted a MAcro Scheduler syntax file for TestPad which I will send it to you.
Also.. in the dropdown to choose the browser version, reverse it to read from 6.2 down to IE5 so we dont have to always choose.
I could do, but I guess "we" could be anyone. Someone will almost always have to make a selection. The question is should I sort them in order by Versions? If I put newest versions first, then I have more maintenance with new Browser releases. If I put old versions first, my maintenance is easier. I guess I chose easier maintenance for me, vs. ease of use for end user. BAD Programming Bob! Make it easier for the user! OK, OK! I will do that, the newest versions will be at the top.

Thanks again for the help.........stay tuned.....
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Post by webmasta »

Hansen == Old German name.

Same issues persist... means that theres no change from before... same behaviour like previous versions... screenshot will be the same.

Which led me to try the F11... F11 is one step further than maximized, it creates a full scrren window and closes all toolbars automajically (which could solve your toolbar problem) this is what it looks like on 5x ( click here ) maybe you could tell MS to do an F11... then F11 again after the sequence runs.

It condenses to just a tiny bar at top and obliterates even the taskbar. Never seen how it looks on v6
are you saying you can grap the URL page, modify it to include the selected Options, and reload it, or present a temporary copy before hitting the Submit?
No, I planned to test it locally with a saved page of the poll to see the behaviour of the tabbing without the tabindex in the html and see if that truly was setting you off withthe question dropping into the first option.

But ure words jogged somethign here -- later tonite I will try an experiment and get back to ya.

Where do you think I need to pause and load your script?
Hold this thought for now til I try something.
the newest versions will be at the top
This is because the default 5.1 doesnt work now if choosen so we all have to ckick regardless.

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Post by Bob Hansen »

Hansen == Old German name.
May be, but that is from my Danish heritage. The German side is Hinkleman.
maybe you could tell MS to do an F11... then F11 again after the sequence runs.
That is probably going to do the trick. Forgot about F11, thanks for reminder.

This is because the default 5.1 doesnt work now if choosen so we all have to ckick regardless.
Already made the change, and I think newest choices at top will be easier for end user anyway. It was the right thing to do.

Remember: " Perforations are a rip-off! "
Last edited by Bob Hansen on Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Thanks webmasta...

Preliminary tests using F11 seem to remove problems related to older versions of MSIE and Toolbars. Still need to close down Explorer Bars also. Got another Hot Key to do that?

I'm a humble man............and PROUD of it!
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Post by webmasta »

Nope, but you may not even have to do that... my prelims show that there may be an eze way around this entire brick wall ...

Thsi was created straight off my desktop using a mockup of the poll form with the html sanitized....

Hold tight... report to follow after some more tests... and take the bandages off ure head..

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Post by webmasta »

You should be in receipt of an email....attached is a plain jane submit form that will post the poll directly to TP servers... you must be logged in to establish an id so the form knows whos posting...

Just change the defaults and go for it ... even the preview will work as normal but will load a live preview page from TP servers which you can then submit / edit or even cancel.

Problem is.. can you get MS to create the form if I give you the html with all option fields sanitized and loaded etc ... actually you wont be able to tell the difference if ure on TP website or not.... functionality will remain the same.

Its the same form I used to create the TESTING poll which I will delete shortly...

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