Sorry.. Same issues persist.
Tried it with different combinations closing toolbars etc...
Arrgh.....grrrr.....not what I wanted to hear. Can you provide another picture or explanation?
One showstopper I found was, If F11 was pressed to do a full screen browser before running the creator, freezes, runtime errors,
I will have to try that out. The routine gives a command to maximize the screen. May be a conflict if already maximized.
ctrl+alt+delete came to my rescue.
Also check for flashing Macro Scheduler icon (yellow gear) in task bar. Right click and click on BREAK. Or try SHIFT-ESC to halt it.
In fullscreen mode, theres no address bar, may have something to do with it.
That is probably the MSIE 5.x issue. But it may also be a function of selected ToolBars, probably a combination.
Like a stubborn German
How could you tell? My great grandparents were from Germany
There must be something to that stereotype.
ure butting ure head on IE5x, which will damage ure head, because it follows the tabindex in the html, which IE6 doesnt follow, it seems. (I can see it here how it focuses the preview button, then the submit button insted of the poll question, thereby missing it altogether)
I believe that most of the tabbing is done in the HTML, not in the Browser. My problem is that I need to do some SH-Tabs which bring me from the Web page into the Browser and back into the Web Page. It is the numbe of TABs in the browser that is setting me off.
Provide me a creator that doesnt check for the url, one that will execute on the current window.
This does not actually use the URL. It goes to the Window Name.
I will grab the poll page and modify the html tabindex part accordingly. Have it so that it runs from when the poll page is loaded with the option boxes already created without having to press the update button (which is done by the script on TP servers, I would be testing locally).
I am confused....are you saying you can grap the URL page, modify it to include the selected Options, and reload it, or present a temporary copy before hitting the Submit? If Yes, then we may have a solution. Would like to know more. Where do you think I need to pause and load your script?
got some errors after importing the modified script into MS and running it. (%start window% not present)
Curious, because %StartWindows% is set as a variable at the beginning of the script on Line 37. Using TextPad as editor, total lines for script is 344 for the Version 1.c that I sent to you. (I also have submitted a MAcro Scheduler syntax file for TestPad which I will send it to you.
Also.. in the dropdown to choose the browser version, reverse it to read from 6.2 down to IE5 so we dont have to always choose.
I could do, but I guess "we" could be anyone. Someone will almost always have to make a selection. The question is should I sort them in order by Versions? If I put newest versions first, then I have more maintenance with new Browser releases. If I put old versions first, my maintenance is easier. I guess I chose easier maintenance for me, vs. ease of use for end user.
BAD Programming Bob! Make it easier for the user! OK, OK! I will do that, the newest versions will be at the top.
Thanks again for the help.........stay tuned.....