- Knowledge of Windows Command Prompt commands and environment variables.
- Your download folder is at C:\Users\your-login-id\Downloads. (i.e. %HOMEPATH%\downloads)
1. Download the necessary files to your download folder:
- The TextPad 9 installer from https://www.textpad.com/download.
- The setup transform file LicenseKey9.mst.
- Run the installation program you downloaded, to install TextPad normally.
- Run TextPad and input your license key data (from "BEGIN" to "END") using the Update License command on the Help menu.
- Uninstall TextPad from Start » Settings » Apps.
- Check that %ProgramData%\Helios\TextPad\TextPadPKE.xml exists. (Paste "%ProgramData%\Helios\TextPad" into File Explorer's Address box.)
- In Windows Search box, type "cmd.exe"
- Right click "cmd.exe" and choose Run as Administrator.
- Type the following commands (or download and run LicensedSetup.bat):
Code: Select all
cd %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\documents mkdir TextPadInstaller cd TextPadInstaller REM Get the transform file move %HOMEPATH%\downloads\LicenseKey9.mst . REM Extract the MSI file: mkdir MSI %HOMEPATH%\downloads\TextPadSetupV9-x64.exe /extract MSI REM Add the registration license key file to the installation set COMMONAPPDATA=MSI\F1B8434\CommonAppDataFolder mkdir %COMMONAPPDATA% move %ProgramData%\Helios\TextPad\TextPadPKE.xml %COMMONAPPDATA%
- Check that %ProgramData%\Helios\TextPad\TextPadPKE.xml no longer exists.
To install TextPad into its default folder, run the following command from %HOMEPATH%\documents\TextPadInstaller. (You may need to change F1B8434.)
Code: Select all
msiexec.exe /quiet /i MSI\F1B8434\TextPadV9-x64.msi TRANSFORMS=LicenseKey9.mst /l*v "log.txt"
Code: Select all
msiexec.exe /quiet /i MSI\F1B8434\TextPadV9-x64.msi APPDIR="your-folder" TRANSFORMS=LicenseKey9.mst /l*v "log.txt"
If it doesn't, look for errors in log.txt. You could also rerun the installer in interactive mode and check for error messages:
Code: Select all
msiexec.exe /i MSI\F1B8434\TextPadV9-x64.msi TRANSFORMS=LicenseKey9.mst /l*v "log.txt"