Issue with Reg Ex

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Issue with Reg Ex

Post by Drxenos »

There seems to be a bug in the regular expressions engine. I'm trying to do a "replace all" and half the time the replacement characters are garbage. I'll undo, and apply the regex again and it will work fine.

Replace with: <\U$&>

sample file:

Code: Select all

TITLE "0015 - S02E26 - The Space Museum, Part 1.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 4 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\0009-0017 Season 02 (1964)\0015 - S02E26 - The Space Museum, Part 1.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1,2" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none,none" --normalize-mix "0,0,0" --arate "auto,auto,auto" --aname "","","" --subtitle "1,2" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
TITLE "0015 - S02E27 - The Space Museum, Part 2.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 5 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\0009-0017 Season 02 (1964)\0015 - S02E27 - The Space Museum, Part 2.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1,2" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none,none" --normalize-mix "0,0,0" --arate "auto,auto,auto" --aname "","","" --subtitle "1,2" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
TITLE "0015 - S02E28 - The Space Museum, Part 3.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 6 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\0009-0017 Season 02 (1964)\0015 - S02E28 - The Space Museum, Part 3.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1,2" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none,none" --normalize-mix "0,0,0" --arate "auto,auto,auto" --aname "","","" --subtitle "1,2" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
TITLE "0015 - S02E29 - The Space Museum, Part 4.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 7 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\0009-0017 Season 02 (1964)\0015 - S02E29 - The Space Museum, Part 4.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1,2" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none,none" --normalize-mix "0,0,0" --arate "auto,auto,auto" --aname "","","" --subtitle "1,2" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
TITLE "0015-D1-01 - Defending the Museum.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 11 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\Special Features\0009-0017 Season 02\0015-D1-01 - Defending the Museum.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --crop "0:0:0:0" --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none" --normalize-mix "0,0" --arate "auto,auto" --aname "","" --subtitle "1" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
TITLE "0015-D1-02 - My Grandfather, the Doctor.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 12 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\Special Features\0009-0017 Season 02\0015-D1-02 - My Grandfather, the Doctor.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --crop "0:0:0:0" --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none" --normalize-mix "0,0" --arate "auto,auto" --aname "","" --subtitle "1" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
TITLE "0015-D1-03 - A Holiday for the Doctor.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 8 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\Special Features\0009-0017 Season 02\0015-D1-03 - A Holiday for the Doctor.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --crop "0:0:0:0" --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none" --normalize-mix "0,0" --arate "auto,auto" --aname "","" --subtitle "1" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
TITLE "0015-D1-04 - Photo Gallery.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 9 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\Special Features\0009-0017 Season 02\0015-D1-04 - Photo Gallery.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --crop "0:0:0:0" --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none" --normalize-mix "0,0" --arate "auto,auto" --aname "","" --subtitle "1" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
TITLE "0015-D1-05 - Promo.mkv"
HANDBRAKE --min-duration 5 --previews 40:0 --input "D:\DVD\Doctor Who 0015 The Space Museum (1965)\883929689422D1" --title 10 --format av_mkv --output "N:\media-root\Media\TV\D\Doctor Who (1963)\Special Features\0009-0017 Season 02\0015-D1-05 - Promo.mkv" --encoder x264 --encoder-preset slower --encoder-profile high --encoder-level 4.1 --quality "20.0" --vfr --crop "0:0:0:0" --auto-anamorphic --modulus 2 --detelecine --comb-detect --no-deinterlace --decomb --no-deblock --no-hqdn3d --no-nlmeans --no-unsharp --no-lapsharp --no-grayscale --markers --audio-fallback ac3 --audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3" --ab "192,192" --mixdown "dpl2,none" --normalize-mix "0,0" --arate "auto,auto" --aname "","" --subtitle "1" --subtitle-burn=none --subtitle-default=none
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by ben_josephs »

I can't reproduce this. What bad output are you seeing from that input?

Presumably you've selected Match case. Otherwise your command will replace

Code: Select all

--audio-copy-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1,2" --aencoder "fdk_aac,copy:ac3,copy:ac3"

Code: Select all

--audio-<COPY>-mask "aac,ac3,eac3,truehd,dts,dtshd,mp3,flac" --audio "1,1,2" --aencoder "fdk_aac,<COPY>:ac3,<COPY>:ac3"
Should you be anchoring the search to the beginnings of lines?

Glad to know you're watching the First Doctor!
Last edited by AmigoJack on Fri May 19, 2023 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by Drxenos »

Hi Ben. Thanks for responding. The replacement characters appear random (a lot of Asian characters). I tried to copy/paste the result, but TextPad complains about null characters. So, I make screenshots.

Thank you!
Yes, I LOVE Doctor Who. I have them all (except, of course, the missing ones) on DVD/Blu-ray.
A.jpg (7.59 KiB) Viewed 9624 times
B.jpg (64.88 KiB) Viewed 9624 times
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by Drxenos »

Also: it only happens the first time for a given file. After that, it works correctly.
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by bbadmin »

How big is the file (lines and characters)?
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by Drxenos »

bbadmin wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 4:55 pm How big is the file (lines and characters)?
Hi. It happens with files of various sizes. This particular one is 18 lines and is just under 8K. The longest line is 856 characters.

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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by Drxenos »

FYI: this happens in both 9.2.0 and 9.16.1.
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by bbadmin »

Please check your PMs.
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by AmigoJack »

Drxenos wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 2:03 pmsample file:
That's only sample text, not the exact file that could have a weird encoding. Please attach one such sample file to a post - this way the bytes of that file remain unchanged and we have the slight chance to reconstruct the issue.
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by bbadmin »

Drxenos sent me a zipped copy of the file, the contents of which are identical to the sample text, so invisible characters or weird encoding do not seem to be the cause.

The fact that it's intermittent makes me wonder if it's a hardware issue, but why would it only show up in that context? For example, is it repeatable when run in a second instance of TextPad?

Memory problems can be checked as described here: ... windows-10

I suppose disk problems might cause TextPad's code to be corrupted as it is read into memory. Worth doing a surface check of the drive as described here: ... n-windows/

Any other ideas?
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by Drxenos »

bbadmin wrote: Sun May 21, 2023 5:28 pm Drxenos sent me a zipped copy of the file, the contents of which are identical to the sample text, so invisible characters or weird encoding do not seem to be the cause.

The fact that it's intermittent makes me wonder if it's a hardware issue, but why would it only show up in that context? For example, is it repeatable when run in a second instance of TextPad?

Memory problems can be checked as described here: ... windows-10

I suppose disk problems might cause TextPad's code to be corrupted as it is read into memory. Worth doing a surface check of the drive as described here: ... n-windows/

Any other ideas?
Thank you for your support and courtesy. I'm sorry you can't reproduce it. I doubt it's a issue with my machine as I can reproduce it consistently on two different machines. It always happens the very first time I run the replace. The second and succeeding times are always successful.


Edit: I should note that I'm a software engineer and rely heavy on my equipment. Thus, I scan then regularly for issues (i.e., memory, disc, etc.).
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by Drxenos »

I thought this had gone away because it stopped occurring. I figured out it ONLY happens when "Match case" is NOT checked.

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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by bbadmin »

Could it be a display artefact? If you minimize and restore TextPad, are the characters then shown correctly?
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by Drxenos »

bbadmin wrote: Mon May 22, 2023 6:49 am Could it be a display artefact? If you minimize and restore TextPad, are the characters then shown correctly?
That's a good thought, but no dice. Sorry.

I was hoping to look at the actual character codes to see if there was a pattern. I can't copy/paste because it complains of null characters (even just selecting the "messed up" part). I can't save because it says it'll replace invalid characters. There no way to switch to "hex mode" on the fly.

Any ideas?
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Re: Issue with Reg Ex

Post by bbadmin »

Try saving as UTF-8.
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