Feature request. Software Scroll Lock always on/off

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Feature request. Software Scroll Lock always on/off

Post by eliio »

Please add the ability to lock the behavior of a text cursor when pressing PageUp/PageDown.
I found that it depends on Scroll Lock key status. With Scroll Lock off a text cursor jumps along with PageUp/PageDown press, and that is the desired behavior.
But I have Scroll Lock key included in some shortcut keys of a screen capture program. So sometimes it is on and the text cursor in TextPad is stuck to its current position.
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Post by ak47wong »

Feature requests are supposed to go in the Enhancement Suggestions board. Not that it makes much difference since hardly any of them ever get taken up.
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Post by AmigoJack »

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scroll_Lock - the SCROLL LOCK key is (just like CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK and INS) a key that permanently changes behaviour of all other keys - that's why it has the "lock" part in its name. One cannot expect to use it in one program (i.e. for capturing pictures) and not having any effect on others - as with i.e. CAPS LOCK it is unbound to programs and windows.

No, this is rather intended behaviour - actually SCROLL LOCK should not only work for the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys as it currently does, it should even work for the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT keys, too: to control scrolling instead of moving the text cursor, leaving the text cursor position untouched.

I vote against this request.
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Post by eliio »

Found the workaround: Scroll Lock can be automatically turned off every time it is activated using AutoHotkey script:

Code: Select all

~*ScrollLock::SetScrollLockState, Off
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Post by AmigoJack »

That's no workaround, since AutoHotkey is a 3rd party software that needs to be installed and it is totally unbound to TextPad or your operating system. Do you also have a "workaround" for CAPS LOCK so you're not annoyed all letters are in upper case although you don't want that? How about NUM LOCK?
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Post by eliio »

AmigoJack wrote:That's no workaround...
Relax, pal, all the information I provided here is not for you.
Keep calm and take care of your mеntal health.

Btw, I've got a present for ya:

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Post by AmigoJack »

Someone who has a frequency of one post every 2 years tells me to relax and thinks me noticing topic activity must mean I've subscribed to that very topic, using Imgur as picture hoster when one could choose from so many other designated picture hosters... Oh dear - where should I begin?

Everytime after I've met a noob that lowered the standards anew, and I think I've finally reached the bottom, a random guy just passes by without the slightest problem to go even lower...
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Post by eliio »

Noob? You're so funny... No, I'm not. I'm a TextPad user starting from version 4.7.3, and I saw it non-Unicode. Now then...

Someone with a little over 300 posts in 6 years and a celebrity forum (jeez really?) as a profile site tells me he's a seasoned standards keeper? What standards, pal? In creating bloated useless comments for no one? In toxic communication? Or maybe in peeping on celebs?
Well, Mr. Keeper, if wasting your time is your goal, keep up your standards of uselessness, I'm sure everyone here needs them so much.
Good luck with celebs, big boy, and again don't let your ego damage your mеntal health.
Last edited by eliio on Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AmigoJack »


> thinks I have not used TextPad 4.7.3
> thinks it's spelled "Textpad" back then and nowadays
> thinks Unicode is a term and not a name
> thinks "jeez" is a name and not a term
> cannot imagine I've been programming MoC for 12 years, unbound to its content
> cannot imagine I'm programming and thus being active elsewhere
> still hasn't grasped his topic has been opened in the wrong forum of this board

You do all this on purpose, right? Flitzpiepe. ;)
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Post by eliio »

Hmm... English lesson + another fat fart in the puddle. Well, thank you.
Oh, you're not 16 and you don't peep on celebs?! I definitely would not imagine that given your comments here.
But If you do, don't worry I won't tell anyone.
What's next? Have some kraut before another fart?
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Post by AmigoJack »

Editing your previous posts just proves your ridiculous behaviour of investing far more effort into profiling yourself instead of actually contributing something useful to TextPad. Telling me to relax when he himself can't. On top you make fun of my linked website but don't have the 3 seconds it takes to actually look at its title to see what "MoC" could stand for? Just like I stated before: you have the talent of making it worse by every step you take without being aware of it. Noobness is like death: it never hurts the one affected, but instead all others around that have to deal with said person. I've experienced professional idiots before, but you take the cake in a long time.
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Post by eliio »

Oh, so you read as soon as I post an answer? And then you carry this pain in yourself for another 12 hours before the next comment? :).
In some excuse for myself, let me say, when I read "programming MoC", I was thinking about more serious and professional things, as you could see, but then, yes, the true meaning of your phrase hit me :).

I'm not an idiot (gave me the Grand Prix? You haven't seen much in this life... :) ) and I'm not a noob, I just don't like pompous narcissistic nonentities who choose the only way to prove their worth - to insert their "I disagree!" everywhere. Be honest, you were just annoyed that I posted a working solution to my own problem, which you initially did not like, although I did not address it to users (the initial post), but to the developers. Yes, I posted it in the wrong forum, so what? Wasn't it obvious from the context whom I addressed it to? There are moderators to move the topic. Who benefits from your "I disagree!"? If the developers liked this idea, they would implement it. If they wanted to create a poll, they would. And I didn't violate any standards, don't talk nonsense. People are free to handle the software on their systems however they like, I just exposed an idea to those who might be interested. Any "I disagree!" in a post like this is just a flood.

Do you consider yourself an old-timer of this forum? So behave accordingly to this rank. Be friendly and courteous, and don't lash out at the newcomer with accusations. And do not demonstrate your "superiority" at every opportunity. Your colleague above reacted really professionally: he just reminded me that feature requests are posted in another forum, that's all.
AmigoJack wrote:Noobness is like death: it never hurts the one affected, but instead all others around that have to deal with said person.
To be honest, this is not bad :). Although I would replace "noobness" with "ignorance".

And you're right, it's time to stop. Some of your words turned out to be useful for me, I hope that something (at least from this message) will be useful for you.
I apologize for the harsh words, farewell.
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