Tool Output for PC Lint

General questions about using TextPad

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Tool Output for PC Lint

Post by dixonc »


I need a bit of help with parsing the Tool Output Window. The output is of the form:

EDC.c 569 81 LINT> Warning 571: Suspicious cast

ie. filename row col Rest of line information message.

Using TextPad 7.4 and the following regular expression:


Had a look through the forums but cannot get it to work (found a post from me saying how to do it but it no longer works). Should it contain the full path? The working folder is where the files are.
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Post by ben_josephs »

You're using an old style of regular expression that was abandoned in TextPad 7.

But it wouldn't have worked anyway, because the first .+ will gobble up as much of the text, including spaces, as it can.


Code: Select all

Posts: 54
Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:05 pm

Post by dixonc »

Great - works like a charm.


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