The names on the left were assigned in case I wanted to string 20 macros into one, and each one assigned a file name, but I managed to crate a single macro for five different actions (without an error).
Name Find Replace_with
01_2SpcToSpc SpcSpc Spc
02_HRtAndSpc \nSpc \n
03_SpcAndHRt Spc\n \n
04_3HRt \n\n\n \n\n
05_HyphenAndHRt -\n nothing, join the line
06_SpcAndHyphen Spc- -
07_HyphenAndSpc -Spc -
08_SpcAndComma Spc, ,
09_SpcAndDot Spc. .
10_SpcAndsColon Spc; ;
11_SpcAndColon Spc: :
12_SpcAndqMark Spc? ?
13_SpcAndexMark Spc! !
14_TrimRMdash MDASHSpc MDASH
15_TrimLMdash SpcMDASH MDASH
16_EnclMDash MDASH {{MDASH}}
17_2HRtToSpc~~ \n\n ~~
18_~~To2HRt ~~ \n\n
19_HRtToSpc \n Spc
20_2DotsToDotSpcDot .. . .
The spaces above were supposed to be tabs and the MDASH character cannot be in the post. I use the macro to clean up and word wrap text from Wikisource/Wikipedia.
The macro is available for upload - if permitted
How to create complex macros - Part 2
Moderators: AmigoJack, bbadmin, helios, Bob Hansen, MudGuard
How to create complex macros - Part 2
TextPad 8.16.0 64bit in English and TextPad 9.1.0 64bit in French, on two separate Windows installations