New features I'd like to see (I'm currently using 6.1.3).

Ideas for new features

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New features I'd like to see (I'm currently using 6.1.3).

Post by erickcd »

Hi. I would like to request the following features to be added. The first three are high priority; the remaining ones are more wishful thinking.

- Hightlighting matching brackets (<,(,{,[, etc).

- The line numbers feature is very useful, but there are times when I also need to determine column positions with my text, as I work on a lot of interface data files. Right now, I use a macro that pastes in a ruler at the top of my opened file. It does the job, but I have to remove it (or make sure not to save it) when I'm done.

Could you add a horizontal column ruler that could be displayed or hidden in much the same way the line number column appears? It could look something like below (numeric labels optional; A simple ruler with indicators in 5 character increments is all I would really need):


- Lock feature for the toolbar to prevent accidental dragging, much like the Lock the Taskbar feature in Windows.

- A symbols viewer (like other viewers such as clip library, explorer, etc). This viewer would probably require a definition for functions/procedures as well as declared variables for the programming language/script being edited. It would then display these, along with the line number where teh declaration occurred (Like the symbols view in Geany (; see screenshots there) or similar to the package explorer in Eclipse).

- Linux/Unix version of TextPad.

Thank you!
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Re: New features I'd like to see (I'm currently using 6.1.3)

Post by Jim4Prez »

erickcd wrote:- Hightlighting matching brackets (<,(,{,[, etc).
If you have your cursor next to a brace/bracket/etc press CTRL+M.
erickcd wrote: - The line numbers feature is very useful, but there are times when I also need to determine column positions with my text, as I work on a lot of interface data files. Right now, I use a macro that pastes in a ruler at the top of my opened file. It does the job, but I have to remove it (or make sure not to save it) when I'm done.
Do you have the status bar on? In the status bar it shows line number of the cursor and next to that is the column number of the cursor.
erickcd wrote: - Linux/Unix version of TextPad.
I would second this :D Qt is a great cross-platform professional C++ framework. Porting Textpad to this would allow it to run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
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Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:36 pm

Re: New features I'd like to see (I'm currently using 6.1.3)

Post by tlbaxter »

erickcd wrote:
Could you add a horizontal column ruler that could be displayed or hidden in much the same way the line number column appears? It could look something like below (numeric labels optional; A simple ruler with indicators in 5 character increments is all I would really need):

Unfortunately, I think you can forget about the ruler ever being added. I too wished for this several years ago, as have many others. As a developer, I have a general sense of the effort it would require to program this and it doesn't seem that hard but for some unknown reason, the people/person at TextPad don't think it's important.

With every new release I hope to see a ruler but I'm always disappointed.

I could really care less about some of the other minor bug fixes that that go into every release. I long for a ruler across the top.
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