Regular Expression syntax

Ideas for new features

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Regular Expression syntax

Post by joconnell »

I'd like to see TextPad's regular expressions based on the syntax used by Javascript and Perl (they're the same RE syntax yes?). It's much more intuitive for us web developers and is less verbose than the Unix and POSIX syntax.

I'm not suggesting you do away with POSIX or Unix syntax, it'd just be great to see Javascript/Perl syntax as a configurable option.

Many thanks for a great app and hopefully we'll see a major update release soon!

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Post by Zhiroc »

Let me also add a request to implement full Perl regular expression syntax as described here.

It has become, it seems a defacto new standard for REs and is also (with some differences) the syntax supported in the Java Pattern class.

Word boundary (\b), non-greedy (.*?), and lookahead/lookbehind ((?=)) matches are all very useful.
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Regular Expression Syntax

Post by DAndres109 »

Adding full Perl-compatible regular expression syntax to TextPad and WildEdit would be great. To echo everyone else in this post, the .NET RE syntax is also based off of Perl, and I find myself wading through the Help File everytime I want to use this functionality.
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Post by Zhiroc »

Bumping this....

Please, please update to a modern PCRE-based engine!
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Post by MigrantFirmWorker »

This would be at the top of my wish list. I am quite familiar with Perl RE syntax, but I *always* have to pull up the help documentation to use RE in TextPad.
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