FTP within Textpad?

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FTP within Textpad?

Post by robellis52 »

I use textpad a lot to edit unix files and scripts (due to my resiliance to use editors such as pico and vi)

Currently I save the text file, then use dos to ftp the file over to unix

It would be great if there was an "ftp file" button within textpad allowing you to ftp over the current document to a pre-defined location.


(The reason I say predefined is because it would be far easier to just click a button than have to enter the ftp details each and every time)
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Post by talleyrand »

Assuming you're using the ftp client built into windows, it has the capability of executing a script. ftp -s:myScript.ftp You could then tie that in as a tool (or maybe a batch file to call it). Without knowing specifically what you're doing or how your files are laid out, I won't go any further but I think this approach may work for you.

The file layout is exactly like what you would type in at the interactive prompt. First line is your destination, second is your username, third is your password and from there it's your standard cd, lcd, put, get, etc commands

Code: Select all

open thangorodrim
put myScript.ftp
This code will ftp itself to a specific machine.
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Post by robellis52 »

What I was really after was a button to ftp the current file to a specified location.

So for example, I have a texfile open in Textpad.

A toolbar at the top of Textpad holds a target field, a username field and a password field. Clicking the ftp button will ftp the active textfile to the target using the specified credentials.

I realise that there are many other ways to do this, and am not looking for a solution, but it wouldn't be difficult and may be a nice Enhancement for Textpad - I would certainly use it
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Post by Drxenos »

I find it easier to have Samba running on Unix, so I can just create a netdrive to it on Windows. That way, I don't have to constantly ftp the files over.
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ftp with network connections

Post by webber123456 »

Is there a way to do this with an FTP network connection ?
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Post by robellis52 »

You could write a service that checks a folder and if files are found within, ftp's them over to UNIX?

Samba shares are the best way - but not easily implemented within corporate environments

I like the FTP within Textpad idea :wink:
It wouldn't hurt to add it in - and would be an extra and useful feature
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Post by webber123456 »

[quote="robellis52"]You could write a service that checks a folder and if files are found within, ftp's them over to UNIX?

Samba shares are the best way - but not easily implemented within corporate environments

I like the FTP within Textpad idea :wink:
It wouldn't hurt to add it in - and would be an extra and useful feature[/quote]

UNIX and SAMBA aren't availabel here.

Just windows server and XP with a network connection to the remote server thru FTP. This retrieves the files ok, but doesn't allow saving changes back to the server
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Post by matthewlock »

I find this handy:

http://www.webdrive.com/index.php?pg=./ ... rive/index it lets you map an ftp drive to a Windows drive letter. Then I just use Textpad to edit the files, effectively letting Textpad edit the files directly on the ftp server.
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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

I had tried WebDrive about 18 months ago and quickly removed it from my system. I don't recall the specifics but I definitely remember it caused major problems for me. I was very disappointed because it seemed like it was going to be such a good solution.
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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Post by matthewlock »

Really? I never had any trouble with it. Anyway there's a similar competing product, that maps ftp to a windows drive, though I forget its name.
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Post by Bob Hansen »

I was lookng to see if I had submitted my problems earlier.

I had not, but I did find this forum string for more history with WebDrive from Jan 2005.

Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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Re: FTP within Textpad?

Post by jmooney »

The topic of an enhancement request in these Textpad forums of adding a feature to allow FTP within Textpad has been repeatedly requested. And gets repeatedly discounted. In spite of the repetition of the surfacing of that request (myself included), people who bother to reply offer several alternatives (samba, windrive, macros, etc.).

Robellis52 - I would suggest you give Editplus a try. It has a very nice FTP function right there under the file menu - I have seven different *nix accounts preset with my userid. You can also save Projects (aka Workspace in textpad) where all the files come from one or more remote hosts. It's shareware and is priced comparably to textpad, too.

Personally, I prefer the Textpad interface and menu structure to that in Editplus, but the ability to FTP to hosts within our network has forced us to no longer acquire Textpad licenses, but instead, we have shifted to Editplus where people need a full-featured, ftp-enabled, plain text editor.

I have found that everything you want to do in Textpad, can be done in Editplus (just from different menus).

I keep coming back to textpad.com hopeful that someday I'll see the FTP feature added, but it looks like that might never pan out. If you search in these forums, you'll see requests going back to 2002 and earlier for FTP functionality.

Good luck.

robellis52 wrote:I use textpad a lot to edit unix files and scripts (due to my resiliance to use editors such as pico and vi)

Currently I save the text file, then use dos to ftp the file over to unix

It would be great if there was an "ftp file" button within textpad allowing you to ftp over the current document to a pre-defined location.


(The reason I say predefined is because it would be far easier to just click a button than have to enter the ftp details each and every time)
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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

Also consider Power Desk, a Windows Explore replacement which has built in "FTP" in addition to many other features. The connected sites show up in the directory tree, and those connections and folders can be accessed just like any local files. Cost was about $50 when I purchased it a few years ago.
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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Post by robellis52 »

Thanks for your replies guys - I'll give EditPlus a go

Come on Textpad - read your own forums and sort this out!

Post by bveldkamp »

I use FileZilla as my FTP client. When you View/Edit a remote file, it's downloaded to a temporary folder and opened in TP. After closing TP, FileZilla asks if it should upload the file back to the server.

Just my 2¢.
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