Compiler/RegExp Problem With Forward Slashes

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Compiler/RegExp Problem With Forward Slashes


I've searched the forums couldn't find an answer to my problem. My C/C++ compiler tool (VxWorks) outputs error/warnings such as:

C:/somepath/somefile.cpp:365: error: some mistake

I can't find a regular expression that can open the file. Currently using "^\(..[^:]+\):\([0-9]+\):.*$" for my regular expression, but I have a feeling it's because the file name has forward slashes and I've found Windows-based TextPad can't open a file with forward slashes.

1) Is there a regular expression that can fix this :?:
2) Can TextPad's Open command be changed to allow forward slashes :?:

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Post by Ed »

The short answer is no I don't think TextPad can handle this directly. But you could create a macro to save the document (to make it writable) substitute / with \\ and save then run a command tool which is Type $File this will put this into the command window from where you can jump. as described in
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Location: New York City


Thanks for the info, Ed, I'll definitely be using that technique! In the meantime, I think I might write a Perl script to convert all paths to Windows notation, and just pipe in the output of make.
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