Word Wrap vs. Block Select Mode: overriding policies

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Word Wrap vs. Block Select Mode: overriding policies

Post by Eelis »

Word Wrap and Block Select Mode are mutually exclusive, but the enabling/disabling/overriding policy for these options is currently inconsistent.

Block Select Mode can be overridden; if Block Select Mode is enabled, enabling Word Wrap automatically disables Block Select Mode until Word Wrap is disabled. The other way around, however, is different; if Word Wrap is enabled, Block Select Mode simply cannot be enabled.

I think this inconsistency must be resolved, Block Select Mode should be allowed to override Word Wrap in the same way Word Wrap is allowed to override Block Select Mode.

(Note: my plea is obviously nullified if the Textpad team somehow thinks Word Wrap is special and more 'worthy' than poor Block Select Mode :cry:)
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