select bug

General questions about using TextPad

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select bug

Post by Mike »

I can't tell is this is a bug in TextPad or something related to my particular configuration. After using TextPad in Win XP for several minutes I am no longer able to select characters by clicking and dragging. Click + shift-click still selects a block of text. Has anyone else encountered this? This bug drives me mad and is not cured until I reboot the machine. Restarting TextPad doesn't help.

Re: select bug

Post by Mike »

Nobody else is experiencing this, eh? As a followup, the bug seems to occur whenever I have a .txt file open in one of the tabs. As long as it is open I'm unable to select anything with the mouse. When I close the tab containing the .txt file the program usually goes away. But not always. Sometimes restarting TextPad won't even fix it and a reboot is necessary. That makes me suspect a memory leak of some kind.
Toby Watson

Re: select bug

Post by Toby Watson »

Mike - I am experiencing this exact problem and have been for some time. Just like you, it drives me absolutely nuts.

Any Helios people reading this should note that the problem does not occur in other applications (even when TextPad is misbehaving) and that like Mike, I am also using WinXP.

This problem has reappeared after a reformatted my machine recently (not solely for TextPad I might add!).

Does anyone have a solution for this irritating problem please?

Thank you,

Toby Watson

Re: select bug

Post by Toby Watson »

Just an update on this annoying problem.

1. Renaming the file with a different extension doesn't resolve the issue
2. Neither does copying the file

However, if I select all the text in the file and open a new file and paste it in and resave then - hey presto - I can select again!

Please please please does anyone have any ideas why this is so?

Toby Watson

Re: select bug

Post by Toby Watson »

Dear All,

I just wanted to bring this thread back to your attention as this problem is still bugging me big time. Has anyone from Helios become aware of a solution?

Toby Watson

Re: select bug

Post by Toby Watson »

I have tried an upgrade to v4.6.2 in an effort to see if the problem goes away. Unfortuanately, it does not. :-(

Has nobody but Mike and myself experienced this totally infuruating bug?

*Please* - I would be ever so grateful for any pointers.

Toby Watson

Re: select bug

Post by Toby Watson »

I seem to have solved the problem! Well, at least for me...

The solution was to alter the option for when files are modified by another process (under the Configure menu item...) to ignore.

I got this idea after reading another thread on lock-ups after reading files from networked drives. After noticing that all of the times I had problems seemed to be under this condition I altered the setting, and hey presto! It works!

I would be interested to hear whether this solves your problem as well Mike, if you're still reading this thread.


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Re: select bug

Post by tbiggs »

This bug has been 'bugging' me too. This solution seems to work.

But what if I want to be notified if a file is modified by another process,
the file is on a server (a networked file)
I want to be able to select text?

It sounds like I'm asking a lot, but selecting text is about as basic a function as you can expect from an editor.

Is someone going to fix this bug?

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Re: select bug

Post by jeffy »

tbiggs wrote:Is someone going to fix this bug?
Not sure if bugs are recognized (or seen) by Helios until they are submitted to them via FYI.
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Post by mo »

I am experiencing a problem that sounds related, but is not exactly the same. Under conditions I am not sure how to describe...except that it seems to relate to the latter end of a work period, selecting becomes bizzare. If I click and drag, the selected area may jump around or it may act as if I had copied and was draging a block or it may do something that I would call flip...where the end of what I drag to becomes the start of a new select going the other direction. Sometimes the drag does not select.

I thought this was my mouse, because it does happen outside of textpad. It is a recent development on a clean machine Windows 2000 Pro with plenty (1gig) memory. I had been thinking this was related to recent problems I had been hearing about concerning Windows updates.
Best Wishes!
Mike Olds
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Post by bbadmin »

We're pretty sure that this problem is caused by virus checkers, particularly on file servers. (See the Known Problems forum.) If you experience strange behavior while drag selecting, try turning off the AV checker on the system containing your files. If that helps, try updating the AV software. If that makes no difference, report the bug to the AV supplier.

Keith MacDonald
Helios Software Solutions
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