Calling TextPad from HTML in IE Browser

General questions about using TextPad

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Calling TextPad from HTML in IE Browser

Post by Brian »

I have a website which is dynamically built using php and is based on several hundred small text files, and several text files are used to build each page.
I am trying to make content management (by me) much easier by calling TextPad directly with a link from the relevant part of the HTML page as displayed in IE.

I have fixed it so that when the webpage is displayed on my development PC (W98 with Apache for php) links appear with the name of the text file used to generate the page.

But. What I want to do is click the link and get TextPad to open that specific file, but I can't get it to recognise the file name.
<A HREF="C:\filepad\TextPad.exe"> opens TextPad OK.
But <A HREF="C:\filepad\TextPad.exe filename.txt"> just hangs in IE with a blank page.

I've tried other syntax variations but can't find one that works.
Any ideas?

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

How about creating a batch file that opens TextPad with the file name, and having your IE link call the batch file vs. the exe?

<A HREF="C:\filepad\TextPad.bat filename.txt">

The contents of TextPad.bat would be something like:
C:\filepad\TextPad.exe %1

You may have to find a way to have the %1 work.

This was just a quick reaction, not fully thought out, but maybe it will stimulate another solution?
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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