Macro Scheduler scripts

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Macro Scheduler scripts

Post by KevinL »

Does anyone have some Macro Scheduler scripts that work with TextPad that they would be willing to share? I don't care what they do. I just want to get a feel for what Macro Scheduler is capable of doing.

Many thanks.
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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

I can provide a number of Macro Scheduler scripts. But what so you mean "work with TextPad"?

You can use TextPad as a Macro Scheduler editor, there is a syntax file available here. If that is what you want, then any script will do, but what you are looking for then is TextPAd to work with Macro Scheduler.

But I have MS scripts that do some activites, calling TextPad, running TP macros, and returning to MS tasks. But these will probably not run on your machine because TP compiles the TP macros and they cannot be edited, really a problem where path names are involved.

Some sample of my MS scripts look like these:

Open up Q&A (Symantec Data Base still alive and kicking!)
Export records meeting certain specs from database to ascii file
Close Q&A
open up TextPAd
Reformat ascii format replacing ; delimiters with |
Count lines/records (always different)
Add a header to the file with information including record count
Add a footer to the file with information including record count
Saving the file with todays date as part of file name
Closing TextPad
Call WinZip to zip the file just saved (include password),name with todays date
Start FTP session and upload zip file
Confirm FTP was good/bad.
Move uploaded original files to archive folder
Sent SMTP good email to destination and to administrator confirming upload, date and time, filename, size, and number of records. or bad email to administrator if problem encountered.

This is scheduled to run at night, off hours, no human intervention needed. All steps are date/timestamped and written to a log
Another routine (no TP involved here) copies OUtlook.pst files from 30 workstations to central server folder prior to nightly server backup so local Outlook files get 2 backups, one on server, and one on server backup.

This is scheduled to run at night, off hours, no human intervention needed. All steps are date/timestamped and written to a log
Another routine (no TP here) opens Netscape, calls up a page, enters password, reads 5 newsletter web pages with dynamic names (every run the names are different), Closed Netscape, Opens Acrobat to converts each of the HTML pages to PDF format. Combines all PDF pages, deleting extra pages not needed, and combines all into one PDF document. Close Acrobat. Open FrontPage goes to a web site, uploads the latest PDF file, and places a link on the web page, enters the titles of each of the original pages to a table of contents, closes FrontPage and is done. You can see final web page at

This is scheduled to run at night, off hours, no human intervention needed. All steps are date/timestamped and written to a log

Also, have you been to the forum for Macro Scheduler? Goto:

You can also go to a script library on another page, don't have link available, but you can get there from the forum. MS also allows you to use VB code in addition to its own programming commands.

Macro Scheduler is available at ... rg_2644641. You can also download copy as shareware (30 days or more free to try out).

TextPad works well as an Editor with MS. I just finished downloading and installing the latest syntax file to use with the latest MS version. Macro Scheduler and TextPad cannot be beat as a package for automating all activities.

Good luck, let me know how else I can help you......
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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