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Sane tab order on ctrl+tab

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:59 pm
by magus424
Right now the tab order changes wildly and inconsistently as you highlight different documents.

It would be great either by default or with an option to tell textpad to use the visible order ONLY instead of recently accessed, so that ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab will always go through open documents in the same order.


Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:30 pm
by Iakobos
Agreed. An option to Ctrl-Tab through windows in the visible tab order would be most welcome!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:14 pm
by NewWorldMan
I actually prefer the way it works at the moment.

However, I agree it would be nice to have the option, e.g., similar to Firefox's Tab Mix Plus add-on where you can set TMP's Ctrl+Tab to work either in the way you guys desire or in TextPad's way.

When using TMP I set Ctrl+Tab to most recently used order. To cycle through in visible order I then do Ctrl+Tab+Tab... i.e., hold down Ctrl and keep pressing tab. This works fine in TMP but is a bit chaotic in TextPad.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:16 pm
by mikez302
I think it may be a good idea if you have different shortcuts to move to the next and previous tab, like in Crimson Editor.

Ctrl+Tab should go to the most recently used tab.
Ctrl+Page Down should go to the next tab.
Ctrl+Page Up should go to the previous tab.

What does everyone think?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:19 pm
by hestejue
I never understood how this Ctrl+Tab cycle actually works. I just had 3 files open and cycling with Ctrl+Tab gave me

File2, File1, File2, File1, File2, File1, File3!

Of what use is this? So I vote for changing it (or at least allow an option to cycle through the visible Tabs).

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:21 pm
by hestejue
hestejue wrote:So I vote for changing it (or at least allow an option to cycle through the visible Tabs).
I mean, that Ctrl+Tab should go to the next file right of the current tab (and Shift+Ctrl+Tab should go backwards).

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:33 pm
by markbravington
Yes, _please_ give an option to permit the suggestion:

quote: [... that Ctrl+Tab should go to the next file right of the current tab (and Shift+Ctrl+Tab should go backwards).]

If those commands (WindowRightTab, WindowLeftTab) were in Configure/Preferences/Keyboard/Window/Commands, people could bind them to whatever keystrokes they prefer.

The suggestion has been made quite often, and I've been waiting for years in the hope it will be implemented...

Current TAB scrolling makes sense but good use an update

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:24 am
by greenautumn
[quote="hestejue"]I never understood how this Ctrl+Tab cycle actually works. I just had 3 files open and cycling with Ctrl+Tab gave me

File2, File1, File2, File1, File2, File1, File3!

Of what use is this? So I vote for changing it (or at least allow an option to cycle through the visible Tabs).[/quote]

I always like this: the tab scrolling first makes me jump back to my previous document in use, then back to my 'current' document, then if I would continue pressing the tab combo, it will start going round the clock.
I love it! I don't mind pressing a few times extra the tab.

But in other tools you see that CTRL-TAB will bring you to the next in line, and CTRL-SHIFT-TAB will bring you back to the previous one... I like that better, because it makes more sense.

Document Tabs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:20 pm
by pmaia
I have about 25 files open. Stacked Document Tabs are enabled.
Many of these files are logically linked, so a change in one usually means supporting changes in 5-10 others.
Everytime I select a tab, it re-arranges the tab locations. I am spending a lot of time finding (and sometimes not finding) the document I am looking for.
The files in the Document Selector are sorted... Great! Can there be an option to sort the Document Tabs and leave them alone? Anything to make it easier to find a file.
I am having to disable [Stacked] Document Tabs and enable the Document Selector to make it easier to find files.

A [99%] Happy TextPad User!