open all feature

Ideas for new features

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open all feature

Post by MarkLawrence »

ok, you know how firefox has tabs, and bookmarks, and folders for the bookmarks, and the thing "open all in tabs." So, in firefox you can make a bookmark folder with your fave sites in it, then when you start you just click "open all in tabs" and your normal operating window is up and running. . .

so, I use textpad 24/7. There are four files which I always have open - my customer list, my dealer list, the html for my daily comix (you gotta have balance in your life) and my phone list.

Every now and then I'm forced to exit textpad, or boot, or some such silly nonsense. Meanwhile, I've opened up lotsa other tabs, and my basic tabs are frequently not on my recently used files list, even though I have is set to show the last 15 files. And my files are in a few different folders, it's a real nuisance to navigate around and open them.

So, I'd like a place to put something like bookmarks, I can click on it somehow and all my standard files open up in tabs. This is not as strange as it sounds, your editor has evolved into a text file browser, I'm just not sure you've noticed that.

This is also useful for programmers working on a project (that would be you), or html guys working on a website.



ps: yup, I'm a paying customer. and I refer people to you all the time. I've told about 35,000 of my software customers to go get your editor and pay you the $$.
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Post by ben_josephs »

Have you tried workspaces?

If you want to preserve your workspace in its original state, you can either:
close it (File | Workspace | Close), and when it says "Save changes to postings?", say No; or:
before you open any new files, save the workspace with another name (File | Workspace | Save As...).

Alternatively, run TextPad with the paths of your four files as parameters:
"C:\Program Files\TextPad 5\TextPad.exe" file1 file2 file3 file4
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:58 am

Post by MarkLawrence »

Perfect, thanks.
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