'Hilight' marker pen function

Ideas for new features

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'Hilight' marker pen function

Post by Thingfish47 »

I use textpad mostly for looking at debug output in a civilised environment by cutting and pasting it from Visual Studio.
What I would find really useful is to be able to select some text, and then with a right click be able to 'highlight' it as if using a highlighting marker. i.e.change the background colour.
A right click menu entry 'Hilight' that had a sub-menu of a selection of colours would be heaven.
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Post by SteveH »

Unfortunately while I reckon this might be possible there's no way to make this kind of highlight stick in a plain text file. I guess it could be added to a project file that contains info about the text files but the danger is that any changes outside the project corrupt that data.

You can do this kind of thing in Acrobat PDF and Word but I expect you know that already.
Running TextPad 5.4 on Windows XP SP3 and on OS X 10.7 under VMWare or Crossover.
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