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COPY should not replace SEARCH-FOR string

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:35 am
by philiptdotcom
When you copy something to the clipboard, TextPad automatically REPLACES the "search-for" text with this.

While in some cases this might be okay, it's a royal pain for me (and NOT standard).

No other program (that I've ever used) does this, and there's no workaround (except to re-type the text you'd searched for previously).

If you want to search for text you've copied to the clipboard, it's an easy matter (Ctrl-V) to replace the search-for text yourself, but if you DON'T like the TextPad behavior (e.g., if you copy text & then want to search again for the thing you'd previously searched for), there's seemingly no way to recall the previously searched-for string (which is a [near-]trivial nuisance if the thing you were searching for is short/simple, but if it were long/complex, this REALLY becomes problematic).

At the very least, this should be a CONFIGURABLE option (and maybe it is, but I can't find it).

Comments? Suggestions?


Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:53 pm
by paleolith
The statement is incorrect. It is not copying which replaces the search-for text, but bringing up the search or replace dialog (ctrl-F or ctrl-H) while text is selected. In the latter case, the selected text replaces the search-for text. This also occurs when you simply hit F3, which can be very useful.

While I agree that this can be annoying as often as it is helpful and would support adding an option, at the same time you can avoid it simply by hitting any arrow key before ctrl-F.



Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:07 am
by 1ND1G0
there's no workaround (except to re-type the text you'd searched for previously).
Of course there is a very, very easy workaround that you have missed in your exasperation!
Just click on the "Find what" drop-down box and there is a list of the 10 previously searched-for strings!