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Save button: even if grayed out, should retain functionality

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:21 am
by philiptdotcom
I understand all the stuff about timestamp on the file.

Even if the "Save" button is grayed out, however, it should STILL retain its functionality: just do a "save"!!

Accidental saves? That's just user error. If the button is grayed out, that's a visual reminder that your file does not actually need saving (okay, fine, I concur with this part)... but it STILL needs to do its job if you click it.

I realize that a grayed-out button that performs a function is nonstandard--but so is a grayed-out button whose functionality DOES [or SHOULD] ACTUALLY WORK under the current circumstance.

I fully agree that this should be user-configurable, e.g., as so:

[x] Save button grays-out after save
[x] Grayed-out Save button retains functionality

...where the 2nd option is ONLY active/available for selection if the 1st option is checked.

Simple; easy; EVERYONE's happy!

P.S. - "Save" functionality

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:51 am
by philiptdotcom
Additionally, File | Save functionality from the drop-down menu should also be RETAINED regardless of the state of the document (unmodified).

The reason for this is that it interrupts work flow for those of us who are used to doing File | Save (via Alt-F | S) to save our work (in virtually EVERY other program in the world). One person commented that they use Ctrl-S to save... that's fine, and it does NOT interrupt their work flow, because although the Ctrl-S does NOT(!!!!) actually save the document, at least it does what is expected (from a work flow standpoint, "nothing"); however, using Alt-F | S (as I do) is a real pain, because it invariably distracts me because the menu stays on the screen & I have to shift my focus and remember to hit <ESC> to make the menu go away.

Very bad!

...and completely solvable if custom configuration were provided. (Note that the wording on my previous configuration suggestion probably needs to be modified, because the thing that needs to change [RE: whether or not FUNCTIONALITY is retained {even if grayed}] is NOT just the Save icon--but also all other ways to invoke Save [icon; Ctrl-S; Alt-F|S]).

A primary argument for doing this is simply to allow folks to set their systems to work AS EXPECTED (whether or not the TextPad way is "better"). Usability is greatly affected by what users EXPECT, regardless of whether the format is BEST. (You can ADD functionality, but don't CHANGE or REMOVE functionality without a way to revert to the "standard" way.)