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"View in Web Browser" icon is FAULTY

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:02 pm
by philiptdotcom
The long description of the action taken by the "View in Web Browser" icon is "View the document in the default web browser"; however, this is NOT what actually happens (and it DEFINITELY SHOULD BE).

What actually happens is that the document is opened by the system's DEFAULT HTML HANDLER (based on filename extensions)--which is INCORRECT!!! My default HTML handler is TEXTPAD--so guess what? It opens the document (again) in another instance of TextPad.


The code behind this icon needs to be changed so that it DOES, IN FACT, invoke the system's DEFAULT BROWSER--which is potentially different than the system's default handler for files based on filename extension.

The problem is that the programmers assume that the default handler for .htm/.html files is a browser--but this is an INVALID ASSUMPTION.

(You're not alone in this; companies like Maxtor and Adobe have also made this error historically. This does not mean it's right; it just means that they made BIG MISTAKES.)

This probably doesn't affect too many users, but it profoundly affects the users for whom it causes a problem; it basically eliminates what would otherwise be very useful functionality in your product.

Please fix!!
