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Specifying topmost directory in explorer

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:12 pm
by zainka

First. There should be possible to specify the topmost directory (i.e. which directory you would like to see default as "root") in the explorer pane. This is especially usefull for sw developing where one often have all source file in on directory or its sub folders

This setting should also be stored in the workspace so that each workspace remembers which folder was last opened

I also suggest that there should be an option to filter which extension should be visible like only *.c, *.cpp, etcetra, and dont forget to enable filtering on extension less files like which makefile often are. Thus one have a very nice and clean workspace to ... work in.

Reason for suggestion is that sometimes a directory three becomes quite long and cluggy and this requires quite much of the visible screen, i.e. explorer pane must be very wide to be able to show all content. Yes there is a scrollbar but thats not as effective.

Secondly. I see that the refresh rate for the explorer pane is rather slow and ineffectively redrawing everything quite often. It also use a lot of time to access network drives which windows explorer or total commander have no problems to access. Could there been done some enhancements on this??? Also, the main pane where text is written seems to have lower refresh priority than the explorer pane making the main pane wait until the explorer pane is refreshed.

Except for this the explorer field is a good gift which makes Textpad even better

Thanks in advance


Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:14 am
by darcyclark
This would be a simple change I'd imagine but it would be a significant enhancement to the Explorer's usefulness when developing in large projects with lots of files.