Timestamp Query - can WildEdit do this?

General questions about using WildEdit

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Timestamp Query - can WildEdit do this?

Post by burtonfigg »

I have a backup drive, and a local drive that I am backing up.

My backup application is testing which files to update, and has checked which files to back up. It is returning a list of thousands of files to backup, which it says needs backing up due to date/time differences.

Trouble is that thousands of the files do not actually need backing up, because the backed up modified date on the backed up file is 1 hour before the local copy. In which case, it seems pointless backing up thousands and thousands of files which don't need backing up, due to this timestamp difference.

I wondered if I could use WildEdit to edit the timestamp on the backuped up files by increasing the timestamp by 1 hour?


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Post by ben_josephs »

WildEdit manipulates the contents of text files, not their directory entries, so it cannot do what you are asking of it. But you could use a text editor (such as TextPad) to edit the list of files. However, I suspect a script in a suitable language (such as Perl, Python, Ruby or Tcl) is most likely the best way to deal with this problem.

Perhaps you have a daylight saving time problem that needs to be sorted out. Or perhaps you need a new back-up application.
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