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Mark all/finding within marked lines

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:16 pm
by hagrinas
I find Mark All to be powerful, but also very limited. Since it's a search, it's really a "mark some" as it should be, but there's only one way to mark. If I could pick a color for marking, then marking everything from search A and then from search B would give me a better idea of what I found.

That leaves the issue of what to do with lines that would be marked multiple times, but there are lots of ways of implementing that too. For example, a check box to indicate whether to re-mark something already marked would be workable, albeit not a complete solution. Being able to specify shapes additionally might help, especially if it had a check box too. Proportional colors or striping might work or be totally confusing and I wouldn't be able to judge without seeing it, but the point is that there are many possible ways this could be approached, and it could add a lot of power.

Not changing the marking scheme at all, but adding a check box to FIND that could limit the scope to marked lines only, could also go a long way. For example, a common request is to find functions, methods, etc. If a line I'm looking at has a method call, it's currently easy to find the next occurrence. Limiting it to marked lines could take me to the method itself.


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:30 pm
by qkz73
Hm. Just yesterday, I made a very similar suggestion in the thread about a dockable class + method tree window.

I think it would be really cool to have more than one "type" of bookmark for not only that reason, and this reason here, but also potentially other reasons that people devise.

There's already a mechanism for assigning a color to the one type of bookmark. I think adding 3 or 4 more bookmark color possibilities (or even shapes?) would be simple and have a very high value return. From there, just have a menu/hotkey that allows us to change the current bookmark to be used, and I think that would really work.

Probably, when someone does a search and a MarkAll, the next search with MarkAll should automatically use another bookmark color?

An issue with this will then be what the Goto Next Bookmark function should do. Should it go to the next bookmark of any type, or just cycle through the bookmarks of the currently selected type? Behavior for that may have to be a new option, or we'll need a new command for "Goto Next Bookmark of the Current Color/type". Since macros can have the goto next bookmark command in there, I'd lean toward leaving the behavior of the goto next alone, going to a bookmark of ANY type, and introducing the new, more specialized command. But make the new command macro-able as well :)

Next, for a dockable summary of regex's from the different types of bookmarks, and we'll be on our way to the function listing treeview.

Too bad there wasn't a poll for this posting so Helios could see summary numbers of what others think about these ideas.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:46 pm
by Bob Hansen
You could start a new thread and create the poll.

Could put a link in this thread to the new one with the poll.