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Autoclose "Find In Files" dialog or chg caption wh

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:43 am
by pg
Rather often it happens to me, that I start a "Find In Files" (Ctrl-F5) dialog -
and let it open afterwards.

(Just like I usually let open the "Find" (Ctrl-F) dialog).

And after some time I do Ctrl-V to paste a new search pattern
and hit Enter - and it performs another "Find in Files",
which I did not want indeed.

Instead I wanted to "Find" only.

Therefore I would like to suggest:
*) automatically close the "Find in Files" (Ctrl-F5) dialog
when the search has started or ended
*) or at least change the caption of the "Find In Files" dialog,
e.g. to "Find In Files - done" so that I could use Buzof.exe
(another good program which I have bougt)
to perform the dialog close for me automatically

PS: I still use Textpad 4.7.2 English version,
because the "Find In Files" results come into another client window
and not into a popup window, and because I can "Find" and mark etc.
within the search results just like a normal file