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True XML syntax highlighting

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:29 pm
by Katy
I am really dissapointed. Not that it matters to much to you guys how am I feeling. :cry:

I was expecting, after such a long time, that you deliver true XML syntax highlighting, that is, CONTEXT BASED, not keyword based. I should be able to work with any XML, containing any tag, any attribute and have syntax highlighting. This was the reason I didn't buy TextPad 4 and is still the reason I'm not buying TextPad 5.

But hey, eye candies are more important nowadays, aren't they?
It's a great achievment that you implemented Office like GUI and document tabs. WOW, what a feature set !! That was a time well spent.

Honestly, which features really justify the jump to version 5 ? From what I've seen so far, this is version 4.4 at most.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:29 am
by Tilman
+1 on the xml syntax highlighting
-1 on the sarcasm

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:59 am
by Katy
Well, I was being sarcastic because at the time of this topic I was crying my ass off since a year before for context based XML syntax highlighting. Sent emails to support, had email conversations with them etc. and absolutely nothing was done in this matter. And still nothing is being done, after almost two years. They deliberately ignore this issue, don't know why. So, I still feel that my sarcasm was fit.

For TextPad guys: when I opened this topic TextPad was my number one "whish to have" piece of software, I was "craving" for it (not any more). Version 5 was a major blow for me. Hence the sarcasm.