Multiple document classes

General questions about using TextPad

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Multiple document classes

Post by sgb »

I have lots of *.txt files and depending upon what they are used for, I want to apply a different document class to them.

Some are word wrapped at 72, or at 80 or are long lines.
Some are tabbed, some are spaced at 4 or at 8.

Is there a way of opening a txt file and then telling textpad to use "so-and-so" document class for it?

If not, can I do wacky things with macros to change the configuration of the txt class "now"?


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Multiple document classes

Post by sgb »

I see I asked the same question 18 months ago with no successful resolution.

In which case I will restate the question as "Is it possible to write a macro that loads up and is readily launchable that will edit the document class preferences currently in effect". If so how does one do it?

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

How about this approach?

Make classes and syntax files for *.tx1, tx2, tx3, etc.

open the *.txt file, use File/Rename to *.tx# to use tx# syntax.
When done, save as *.txt
Hope this was helpful.............good luck,
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