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Editable macros

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:44 pm
by trilsys
My #1 wish for TextPad would be to be able to edit macros. The macro capability is super, but is I make a big macro, and have an error, I have to enter the whole thing all over again.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:18 pm
by weta
I was really hoping the new version (5.0) would allow macro editing - but sadly, no :(

This has been a major pain for me in the past and has sorely tested my dedication to TextPad (been using it for YEARS and YEARS).

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:39 pm
by tgkprog
oh this will be a super feature

i guessit will be xml or something like VBA

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:03 am
by dkinney
Yes - this would be great.

Also, it's unfortunate that the Document Properties dialog isn't
accessible from a macro. I'd love to be able to write macros that
change the tab settings of the current document (hard-vs-soft tabs,
tabs at 4-or-8). I find myself switching frequently since I work with
multiple projects with different standards for tabs.


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:08 pm
by friso
Editable macro's would rule. Second best would be disclosing the format of the macro's. That way I could grow my own macro editor.

DEFINITELY - emphatic support!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:46 pm
by qkz73
There are so many complex macros that I have had to re-record. When I first record one, I sometimes miss a step that I forgot would be necessary. The re-record totally stinks. Then, if I need a slightly modified macro (for text reformatting - like in a csv or sql file), I have to re-record the whole thing over, when it would be nice to just retool the initial macro with a minor adjustment.

XML would be nice. This would have to only be for advanced users, and I'm sure Helios doesn't want to have to take support calls on it. And there may be an issue with reloading the macro from disk if it cached as I suspect, but that should be easy enough to remedy. Maybe just change the macros to XML behind the scenes and have this be an unsupported feature ?!
