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Tab order - changing, sorting, etc

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:42 am
by Haro
I am constantly opening new files to work on. I may have a few files in a folder that i need to work with, but i only open each one when i need to (save time and space).
For example, right now i am working with 6 files in a folder. But i may never have to open some, or only open them to check something. Now i always have the main file i am working on in the left-most tab. And as an extension of that, order the files from most important/often used at the left to least at the right. So you can imagine how annoying it is for me every time i open a file, to drag it across to the right just to get it out of the way.
So my question/suggestion is: is there a way to order files in the tabs (and/or the Document Selector)? I haven't checked, but if there isn't a way, i suggest this:
In Configure -> Preferences -> Editor have a combo box & check box

Code: Select all

    [check box] Sort opened tabs by:         [combo box]
      [combo box]                            accending
      name                                   descending
      modification date                      [/combo box]
      creation date
      time opened     // The one i want
      [/combo box]
And likewise for the Document Selector.