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tool output and seach result handled as a document

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:44 am
by zainka

I really like the new text pad. However, there is one thing which I would like to change, i.e. add support for. In the 4.x version of TP, the "search result" pane (and also the "tool output" pane) would be a part of the documents in the document selector, i.e. it was threated like any other documents loaded which required you to select the search result "document" if you wanted to see it, or to split the screen.

Even thoe I will use the new default GUI layout with "Search result"-SR as a separate pane diverting the screen into the mentioned pane, document selector pane and the "Document pane" I would really really really like (and use more often) if I could hide the SR pane behind the documents making it visible in the document selector in stead as it did before. But this feature seems to be disabled. Otherwise the SR steals to much place.

I know I can hide it behind the document selector, but this is realy not an option since the document selector pane normaly is to narrow.

Having to minimize it is not an option/solution either.

Any solution/Settings missing??

Best regard
Vidar (Z)


Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:48 am
by zainka
This has become even more important for me lately since I somethime needs to save the outcome in both window (tool output and search result) for documentation. Therefor I also would like to add one right click menu option where one could save the content to a file.

I believe this was an option before, when these output windows was threated as documents. Yet one reason to change back to old style

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:35 pm
by Zyphrus
I had the same problem, but found a simple if sad solution :

don't use TextPad 5 till they fix this

or is there already an update with a fix?

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 10:15 pm
by areacode212
I would definitely welcome the return of the old-style Tool Output & Search Result. The way it is now, it takes up too much precious screen space, and you can't close and reopen the pane without clearing its contents. When I do want to read its contents in a larger box, resizing it is a pain. The old way was much more convenient, since one could just Control-TAB to it.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:45 am
by dkinney
I've actually gotten used to the new behavior - and prefer it for
the Tool Output window.

Perhaps a preference setting could select between the old and new