Textpad on Vista dependable enough for school?

General questions about using TextPad

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Textpad on Vista dependable enough for school?

Post by HopeforChaos »

I'm heading back for my second year as a computer science major and I've already been given the forewarning that my c++ professor uses and loves textpad and just doesn't do visual studio which would be supported by Vista no problem. My family did relocate a few states away so now I have to fly back and forth which also means a laptop. Maybe as a programmer I should know better and not want vista but I do for some reason. For those who are running it on vista is it dependable? Thanks for the help.

EDIT: maybe I should be more clear on what I mean exactly. This next semester I'll be using Textpad to do c++. Now what I'm doing I have no idea since its a new class but its relatively basic stuff since its only my 3rd programming class. IS textpad stable enough on vista to get this kind of job done or do I need to get XP. I'm really worried because I will be spending lots of time on this work and don't want a laptop that doesn't work. Also at the same time it looks like textpad is working on vista as well as mostly all the other prgrams I need for school this semester. I'll eventually want vista and if its working with the programs I need now then I'd like to save the money and get it on the notebook. Thanks for any help!
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Post by mroshaw »

I use Textpad 5.0.3 on Vista and it's absolutely fine! You'll have to do some fiddling, though, if you want to compile and run stuff from within Textpad.

If I were you, I'd also consider downloading Visual Studio Express C++ Edition, since it's free to download and use!

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Post by HopeforChaos »

Thanks for the reply! Its good to hear it works ok, but I think I just finally put vista on hold for a while. I don't wana spend the money on a laptop and end up being stuck in a lab when something goes wrong. I'll upgrade eventually but I do appreciate your help. Thanks again.
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Post by christhetechie »

I wouldn't touch Vista until it hits SP1. There are numerous issues with it and Visual Studio for one. Add to that the hefty machine requirements. I am sticking to my P3-1GHz laptop with 512Mb of RAM and XP!
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