Default class 'Enable syntax highlighting' is greyed out.

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Default class 'Enable syntax highlighting' is greyed out.

Post by jasonb »

With TextPad 5.0.3, "Enable syntax highlighting" is greyed out. Is this by design? If so, even though you have "Apply these setting to all document classes" for the Default class - will syntax highlighting rules for individual class's override the default (which seems to be none)?
Cringing Dragon
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri May 04, 2007 11:39 pm

Post by Cringing Dragon »

I'm not using v5 yet, still 4.7.3. I have previously played with the apply all setting, and so far as I could tell the only things that changed were the colours - and then not for all document classes, only some. It did not change anything under the "syntax" heading.

I believe individual class settings always override the default settings. I don't think Apply these setting to all document classes causes the default setting to get used instead of the individual class settings.

I think the way the Apply these setting to all document classes works is that when you make changes to the default document class, and then hit the Apply button, those changes are also made to the other document class definitions. I'm not certain, but I think only the changes you've just made get applied to all, not the whole default document class definition.

Sorry to be so vague, but when I was playing with this I didn't find much in the doco about how this setting behaves, so I've made assumptions based on my observations, and I'm not at all certain that I got it right. No-one else seemed to be responding though...
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