can anyone help ?

General questions about using TextPad

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can anyone help ?

Post by 860523 »

can somebody help me with this project ?
thanks for viewing

For your mini project, you are assigned to design and develop a simple book listing system for Company PELANGI. The explanation below is a simple walk-through of the book listing system.

• Company user must use a valid username and password to enter the system.

Welcome Company PELANGI Book Listing System
Username: hajar

Password : *****

PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar

Please Search ISBN:

• The main menu book listing systems is as follows.

PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar
Main Menu Selection:
[1] Display Options
[2] Search Options
[3] Exit System

• The menu for [1] DISPLAY options is as follows.
PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar

Display Options Selection:
[1] All Books Sorted By Price
[2] All Books Sorted – Low Price Category
[3] All Books Sorted – Medium Price Category
[4] All Books Sorted – High Price Category
[5] Back to Main Menu

• The menu for [2] SEARCH options is as follows.

PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar

Search Options Selection:
[1] By Year
[2] By ISBN
[3] Back to Main Menu

• Company user must input a year or ISBN number to search in the book listing system
PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar

Please Search Year:

• Below are screenshots for display options.
o All Books Sorted By Price
PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar
All Books Sorted By PRICE
0910 2000 Ali C Program 100
8910 2005 John Java Program 86
2231 2004 Tan C++ Program 78
2211 2003 Samy Data Structure 63
4531 2002 Kent Assembly Language 50
2991 2004 Irvine COBOL Program 28

o All Books Sorted – Low Price Category
PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar
All Books Sorted – LOW Price Category
2991 2004 Irvine COBOL Program 28

o All Books Sorted – Medium Price Category
PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar
All Books Sorted – MEDIUM Price Category
2231 2004 Tan C++ Program 78
2211 2003 Samy Data Structure 63
4531 2002 Kent Assembly Language 50

o All Books Sorted – High Price Category

PELANGI Book Listing System

Username: hajar
All Books Sorted – HIGH Price Category
0910 2000 Ali C Program 100
8910 2005 John Java Program 86

• Below are screenshots for search options.
o Search – By Year (Year=2004)
PELANGI Book Listing System
Username: hajar
Result – Search By Year (2004)
1-27-2231 2004 Tan C++ Program 78
3-45-2991 2004 Irvine COBOL Program 28

o Search – By ISBN (ISBN=2991)

Pelangi Book Listing System
Username: hajar
Result – Search By ISBN (2991)
2991 2004 Irvine COBOL Program 28

• You are allowed to use any kind of data types that you have learned in your assembly language class. The defining data segment must have these data definitions.
2991 2004 28 Irvine COBOL Program
2231 2004 78 Tan C++ Program
2211 2003 63 Samy Data Structure
8910 2005 86 John Java Program
4531 2002 50 Kent Assembly Language
0910 2000 100 Ali C Program

• Your mini project must sort the data before being displayed as shown in screenshot at display option section. For sorting data, you have use bubble sort algorithm.
void bubbleSort(int numbers[], int array_size)
int i, j, temp;

for (i = (array_size - 1); i >= 0; i--)
for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
if (numbers[j-1] > numbers[j])
temp = numbers[j-1];
numbers[j-1] = numbers[j];
numbers[j] = temp;

• Your mini project must also categorized data as shown in screenshot at display option section. Books are divided into three (3) categories based on following rules.

Low Price Category Range : 1 to 30
Medium Price Category Range : 31 to 70
High Price Category Range : 71 to 100

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Post by Boris »


Just send out a cheque for the following amount (let's assume 20 days + 2 months support)

Development fees = £ 15,000 (20 days at £750 per day)
Booking fee = £ 1,000
Database Administrator fees = £ 500
Prototyping fee = £ 500
Documentation fee = £ 1,000
Testing fees = £ 2,250 (3 days at £750)
Post-Implementation Support = £ 6,000 (60 days at £100 per day - not weekends)
Help-Desk maintenance fees = £ 6,000 (60 days at £100 per day - not weekends)
Subsistance = £ 7,200 (60 days at £120 per day - including weekends)
Typing this message = £ free (on the house)
TOTAL = £ 39,450

Please make it payable to Mr. Boris Arentyouabloodycheek

Looking forward to your custom.
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Re: can anyone help ?

Post by Drxenos »

I think you would benefit more from doing your own homework.
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Post by agitater »

If I had the time, I would have done the whole thing for him, deliberately screwing it all up. Maybe next time ------.
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Post by talleyrand »

My devious thought had been to implement it for the poster in a non C/C++ language like perl/python/ocaml.
I choose to fight with a sack of angry cats.
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Post by ak47wong »

You could pay £39,450 for Boris to do it. But I will do it for just £38,995. And as a bonus, I'll even throw in a free copy of TextPad*, a powerful and easy to use editor for plain text files.

Looking forward to your custom.


*Evaluation version
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Post by Boris »

Ha !
Hell, I can do it for £37,000.
If that's not enough, I'll even throw in THE LATEST Texpad release.
Oh, hum. On second thoughts, scrap that last one...
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Post by 860523 »

geez it reali tat hard to do till u guys hd to charge me wit tat price ?
^^ anyway thanks 4 dropping by.
its nt tat i don wana do bt i reali duno... i juz learn textpad.
You could pay £39,450 for Boris to do it. But I will do it for just £38,995. And as a bonus, I'll even throw in a free copy of TextPad*, a powerful and easy to use editor for plain text files
is there reali softwaree tat convert text to code ?
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Location: UK

Post by Boris »

BTW, I hate ppl tat cnt b bothrd to uze all the lettrs in alphbet.
For gds sk ! this is not a txt msg. Use you bldy kybrd!
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Post by ak47wong »

wat u sy?
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