Recording/Playing back Macros not working as expected?v4.7.3

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Recording/Playing back Macros not working as expected?v4.7.3

Post by DeSangre »

Dear members of the Textpad forum,
In the last few weeks I made some macros using TP, mostly just string replacement (with some regexp).

Anyway, I noticed that a very HIGH percentage of the macro I created don't work properly, e.g. only 1/10th of the macro gets executed at all, I didn't delve into each single .TPM, but i'm pretty sure the first part of the macro is always executed, and after a few replacements the macro "stops working".

This is VERY strange, and I created a lot of TP macros in the past, even with hundreds of terms to replace, but this occurred to me only lately.

Can it be AVIRA antivirus messing with the recording? Please note that while recording the macros, the commands were executed flawlessly.

I used a lot of keyboard shortcuts to enter the commands in a faster way, e.g.:

If I had to replace "mother" with "father" in all the active documents:

NOTE: I use italian textpad so different hotkeys may apply

1) press F8
2) type "mother"
3) press TAB
4) type "father"
5) press Alt+d (checks "In all documents")
6) press Alt +o (Replace all)
7) press Esc to close the replacement window

What could be the reason behind this malfunctioning? The TMP, being obscurely encrypted, sadly don't help me in understanding what's going on, I only know that in the TMP I see all the strings to be replaced, even the ones that don't get replaced by the macro :(

If you need more detailed info, ask me :)
Thanks in advance.
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