TP5 - Open With

General questions about using TextPad

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TP5 - Open With

Post by ACRobin »

Been trying to open a file using "Open with" in window 2000 explorer. It shows all application to try and open the file, I select TP but nothing happens - anyone else got this problem?
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Post by RickB »

Yes, same problem here (Windows XP Pro SP2).

Post by gan »

It works fine for me. What i did that might be the reason why i don't have this problem is that i searched for "Textpad 4" using regedit and replaced with "Textpad 5". Seems like the upgrade isn't very good and a lot of references to the path where Textpad 4 was installed is still left on your system after a upgrade. I assume you did a upgrade from version 4.x?
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A bit iffy
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Post by A bit iffy »

I also have been having problems with "Open With" in TP5. When I try to do Open With on anything, I just get a TextPad window with nothing in it.

This is even after manually changing all registry references from TextPad 4 to TextPad 5.

This is very annoying as I often use TextPad to peek inside files that open by default with other applications.

Any suggestions? (I'm using Windows 2000, SP4.)
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Post by dburns »

Same problem here. I double-click a .txt file, and TP opens with a blank window.

I installed v. 5 without uninstalling v. 4. WinXP Pro SP2.
Dave Burns
Lowell, MA
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Post by adamantyr »

Same here. I can open files in TextPad through the context menu, but any attempt to set it up as the default program for txt files fails. It doesn't list TextPad on the list of programs, even after deliberately selecting it.

I have modified my registry in the efforts described above, it hasn't changed behavior.

I'm using Windows XP SP2.

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Post by RickB »

I also have been having problems with "Open With" in TP5. When I try to do Open With on anything, I just get a TextPad window with nothing in it.
Any suggestions? (I'm using Windows 2000, SP4.)
I had the same problem on a Windows XP SP2 machine and was able to fix it by making the following registry change:

Change the value data of the default value name in
from Open("%1") to [open("%1")].

I also made the same change to

If anyone else tries this, please note the standard disclaimers about changing the registry: make a backup; be sure you know what you're doing; if it works for you, great, but if it hoses your machine don't blame me, etc. :)
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