"Remembering" carat position vertically in a file

General questions about using TextPad

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"Remembering" carat position vertically in a file

Post by Bonzooznob »

Hi all,

I've been using TextPad now for 6+ years... and it has suited me well until now.*

I've also tried many other editors, EditPlus, NotePad++, PSPad, etc. All of which have some nice features, but there is one feature of TextPad, that I just CAN'T live without!

I love the way that TextPad "remembers" where my carat is positioned in a file. Thus if I have say 5 divs, in HTML

<div id="foo_34">34</div>
<div id="foo_35">35</div>
<div id="foo_36">36</div>
<div id="foo_37">37</div>

If I move to the underscore on the first line, and type in "bar", then down arrow, I can type in "bar" in the EXACT same spot! on the following line, and the next, and the next, etc.

I'll call this "horizontalPositionBeforeEdit"... which is then where the cursor aligns itself horizontally, in the next row.

Doe anyone know of *any* other editors, that either behave this way always, or have the ability to turn this "feature" on?

All replies much appreciated.


* PS If Helios is planning a new release, with more features, please let me know, but from what I've seen, I'm not expecting a 5.0+ release anytime soon.
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