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Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:11 am
by Mister Mac
Wish 1:
In Configure:Preferences:Macros--Implement the same name-expansion functionality that's done in the Document Selector list; i.e., expand the macro names in the two lists when hovering over them individually (instead of having to select them and clicking the Properties button to see the macro's full name, et al).

Wish 2:
Using Find with the "In all documents" checkbox selected should send its results to the "Search Results" document (as it does for the Find In Files function). Otherwise, when there are many files open, you can't tell which file has a match.

Wish 3:
Scenario: 1) Textpad is closed and the current workspace is saved. 2) The files are moved somewhere else on disk. 3) Textpad is opened and tries to open the files in the workspace.

Desire: Instead of ignoring files that it can't find, display a dialog box with three buttons: Prompt: "The file "C:\MovedFile" cannot be found. Do you want to search for it?"
Button1: Yes
Button2: No
Button3: No to all

Wish 4:
For selected docs in Document Selector list, add context menu to save them to a different workspace.