Please enter your age The handle is invalid
oh and by the way this is my code..
Code: Select all
*The bank wants to give away some money!
However there are some conditions that must be fulfilled:
To qualify, the customer must be over 18 and
They must have been with the bank for more than 5 years or
They must have a balance greater than 100 in their accounts.
Write a program that reads in this information, and lets the customer know whether they are in for some money or not.
Extend this program as follows:
If the customer does qualify, inform them how much money they will get:
" If their balance is greater than 100, then they get 2000
" If their balance is greater than 50, (but less than or equal to 100), then they get 1000
" If their balance is positive (but less than or equal to 50) then they get 500
" Finally if their balance is negative they are told to put some money in their account*/
public class Bank
public static void main (String [] args)
int age, years;
double balance;
ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(;
//prompt user for data
System.out.print("Please enter your age ");
age = console.readInt ();
if(age <18)
System.out.print("sorry you must be 18 or over to to be eligible for a loan ");
System.out.print("please enter the number of years you have been with this bank ");
years = console.readInt ();
if(years >5)
System.out.print("congratulations you qualifiy and you get 1000 euro ");
System.out.print("please enter your account balance ");
balance = console.readDouble ();
if(balance >100)
System.out.print("congratulations you qualifiy and you get 1000 euro ");
System.out.print("sorry you are not eligible for a loan ");
something to do with reading input??