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Reload It

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:56 pm
by jengo
I have a suggestion for the "Reload It" feature. The options to the user on the screen are "Yes" and "No". It would be nice if there was a third option called "Never". This option would never check again. I know this is a feature you can turn on and off in the options window, but I don't want to change the global setting. As I said, I like the feature. There are a few occasions where I am watching a batch process that is continually updating a file and I just want to look at a snap-shot of the data. It gets annoying because TextPad keeps asking me if I want to reload it. Just a thought...


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:40 am
by bveldkamp
I'd like that too. And while we're at it, why not extend it a bit further? I could use a fourth option: "Reload Always", which also doesn't ask again, but keeps reloading the file, regardless of the global setting.
In the statusbar, I'd like a toggle between the different reload modes (Ask, Always and Never), similar to the Read, Ovr, Block, etc toggles that are already there.


How about "not until I switch back to this window"

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:33 pm
by tbeaulieu
If I load a log file, it can be unbearable, as the pop-ups happen so fast I have no time to even close the window! If I hit "no", I'd like for it to leave me alone until I either switch out and then back in, or leave the app and come back in. I should be able to scroll around and do whatever I want without the app constantly checking for updates, etc.

Don't check for anything but the current window

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:36 pm
by tbeaulieu
If I have several log files open over the VPN, even if they're not being displayed, TextPad can become critically unresponsive. I get very short windows in which the mouse/keys will respond between its checking.

Once I close down those windows, everything is perfect.

I don't think any checks for updated files should take place except for the current window.

Yabbut, please have a way to reset it.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:25 am
by Dcantor
I like the idea of having a 'never' option, but there then ought to be a way to say, "Now I want to reload it, and ask me again in the future" and "Now I want to reload it and continue not asking me again."

Oh I guess one could simply close the file and reopen it....

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:15 am
by tbeaulieu
I really think the most intuitive behavior would be as long as you stay in the file, it wouldn't re-ask you. If you switch to another file and come back in - you're asked. If you switch to another app and come back in - you're asked. This would eliminate the incessant polling that cripples the application over a VPN, since it would only ever look at those times.