Change font and size for document selectors/tabs(also width)

Ideas for new features

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Change font and size for document selectors/tabs(also width)

Post by jumpfroggy »

It'd be great to be able to select the font and its size for the document selectors/tabs. Right now when I have a bunch open, they scroll off the right side. I can change it to stacked, so there's multiple rows. But I'm a screen miser, don't like things taking up too much space.

It'd be great to be able to set a small font size (like ProggyClean size 8, favorite) and allow the document selectors to resize to fit the filename (right now there's a bit of padding, ~50px or so, on each side of the filenames.

EDIT: I just realized Textpad "justify's" the tabs... they take up little room if it's crowded or only one row, but more space when there's multiple rows. I'd prefer the tabs to always fit filenames, no padding, to keep it more visually more consistent.

Every little bit helps. Thanks TP.
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Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:57 am

Post by pranavj »

I too agrre with this.

Actually I'd like bigger font for docuemnt selector. Is it possible to make its font size changable?

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