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Preserving bookmarks after reload

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:04 pm
by nyugi
When an another application updates a file that is opened in TP, TP asks whether it should reload it or not. When a file is reloaded the bookmarks vanish.
I could use an option for saving those bookmarks. For example when the reload question is asked, then among the Yes and No buttons there could be a third button (Reload preserving bookmarks or something like that). Choosing this function TP should reload the file preserving all bookmarks (only those not exceeding the new file's length).

Extended bookmark features.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:18 am
by pa1
I am currently using Textpad to mange some horrible spaghetti code (for a chip and pin solution.) Bookmarks would be the way to help finding the way round the code.

These 5 small code changes would provide a wealth of extra functional uses.

Bookmarks saved as part of a workspace.
Bookmarks work accross the workspace.(ie Next bookmark function takes you to the next bookmark in the workspace not the next bookmark in the file.)
Bookmarks linked to a seperate description file.
Bookmarks display tooltip of the description.
List of Bookmarks dialog. Click an item fromt eh list to go to the bookmark.

Usage and benefits.

It would be usefull to be able to attach a small description to a bookmark and choose an option from the menu to browse bookmarks this would bring up the list of descriptions and then the user could click a labled book mark and go straigh to the line of code. Hovering over the bookmark arrow could bring up a tool tip with the description. This could then be used as a method of commenting the code without cluttering it too.
If these comments could be copied to a seperate file they could form the basis forthe docuemtnation.
(This could be a two way process so that the documentation could update the comments int he code as well which could form the basis for version control code management too.)

Furture proofing.
When people start using this feature for commenting code the number of comments may be excessive for the bookmarks dialog.
Adding extra fields to the comments file (eg of comment, time/date update, type, category, status,udf1 udf2 etc) would enable filtering and searching. If the comments file were an XML file an XSL style sheet could be used as a working documentation file for the code.