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bulletin board suggestions

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:02 am
by philiptdotcom
Bulletin board usability could be improved if there were a (single-click) option to SORT messages in reverse date order (or any other order, for that matter).

Also, it would help to have multiple "submit" buttons (e.g. one at the top of the "post a new topic" area, and/or one which is the next tabstop after the message body).

Also--especially for those of us who turn "smiles" OFF--please KILL the emoticons display!! (Barf!) (...or at least make the OPTION to do so obvious [and a single click]!)


Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 6:37 am
by Bob Hansen
[qupte]Bulletin board usability could be improved if there were a (single-click) option to SORT messages in reverse date order (or any other order, for that matter).[/quote]

Look at the bottom of the screen for Sorting options: Oldest/Newest.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:11 am
by philiptdotcom
I don't see the oldest/newest thing you mention at the bottom of the screen...

...but my point is that sorting (by ANY column value) should be intuitive: click on the column heading... to sort ^, click again to sort v...